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May 24, 2016


Local Motion

Does sixty grand still qualify as a fee?

Bruce Dickinson

Joe, this county manager sounds like he needs an elementary school level education on how to make a cogent argument. So is he saying that if you create low income housing, which draws LOWER income people, that cannot afford the low income housing that was originally designed to help those with low incomes? So what is the solution and what problem is it searching for exactly? Makes zero sense.

I swear Bruce Dickinson with the help of my infinitely more talented staff could probably do a better job running the City and County with minimal, part-time dedication. Dumb decision making only begets doing unneeded, extraneous work and covering up past mistakes.

We deserve MUCH better!


I'm not sure about that claim sir, but look at the twisted logic. You make the new housing more expensive with the tax ("fee" is a joke). That raises the price umbrella for all of the other housing including the lowest rungs. Then you somehow use an agency to try to dole out money to the lowest rung at an inflated government cost.

Reagan said it best--I paraphrase. "Tax it until it stops moving then subsidize it when it can't move."


can you post a link to the article? much appreciated...


Sorry but the Post is a paper-only paper so no link is available.

Occasional contributor


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