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January 24, 2016


pat giorni

"The answer is to kill this albatross before anymore concrete gets poured in Fresno."

I have steadfastly stated on every occasion that there will be no resolution from our recalcitrant Governor, not the chicken-hearted Legislature. Our only hope of finally burying this beast is through Judicial relief.

On Thursday, Feb 11, Superior Court Judge Kenny will hear Tos et al v CHSRA @ 10am in Sacramento, where I will sit front and center to hear argument against issuing the $9B Prop 1A bonds. I'm hoping and betting that Judge Kenny will give me THE BEST EVER Valentine's Day present when he issues his ruling within 2 months to quash the Bond Measure.

Whatever the outcome, there is no question that the case will move to the Appeals Court, especially if Tos prevails; then possibly a last step to the Supreme Court.

The war of a thousand cuts will not end with Judge Kenny's ruling, but major exsanguination is the outcome I look toward as this first stone is hurled toward Goliath.

Cathy Baylock

Mrs. Giorni, you are a force to be reckoned with!

De-power big gov't

Until you understand what's at the core, dark hearts of Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom, you don't totally understand the State of California...

I understand that we should expect reason, and fairness and justice and excellence from our government leaders and staffers. I believe that we should expect our neighbors to be as interested and engaged in community issues and projects.

But, most people are very selfish and only focused on what will make them more money and give them more pleasure for the moment - with no regard for anything else.

Power by fear and greed is at the dark hearts of Jerry and Gavin...and little more. Sad, but true.

The best we can do is to push for leaders with high ideals and to take back local control of our communities and to de-power the monster that is 'big gov't'.

And, first amendment forums like The Burlingame Voice and community support of those that have expressed their freedom of speech and "questioned" and debated is essential for the health of our communities.

pat giorni


I usually make it a point to not respond to comments such as yours which deal only with broad generalities. Albeit heartfelt, your post displays a lack of true understanding, not only of this specific issue, but of the FACT that big population is best served by big government because we are a representative democracy that serves not just a parochial agenda.

I grow weary of your "insights" if only because you use not only this, but other fora, to hear yourself talk, or see yourself in print; masquerading as a civically involved individual, while not actually participating in any ACTION that will bring about real change.

You are a charter member of what I've described since the 60's as "the masses are asses, power to the people" cadre. You display no understanding of PROCESS and how it enables the individual to effect an about face on all levels of Federal, State, and Local government.

IMHO, the worst move our electorate ever made was the implementation of term limits, which may get rid of the few elected deadweights in “service”, but substantially cripples the competent leadership in government who can no longer see to completion any programs they may have initiated.

Once gone, those outcomes are usually delayed or simply die of neglect once their shepherds are forced to move to other pastures. In the long run it diminishes the power of the electorate by forcing it to replace a strong and steadfast lawmaker with what is often a lesser advocate.

It may be naive, but I still embrace Truth, Justice, and the American Way and the fact that it did not die when Superman did.

Group think and hubris is the problem.

Pat, Jerry and Gavin are part of the Mafia. They create power through fear and greed and this corruption is what powers idiotic projects like The High Speed Fail. Get it?

I've been "in the room" with many politicians and many major donors, and I've been invited to lead three political parties, but turned them down.

I am a normal, good person who is very active in several charities and political organizations, and I am more of a man of action than 98% of our Peninsula community.

A shockingly large portion of our local and state government is severely corrupt, and it's time for the silent millions to get engaged and change that...


You are sooooo boring, Alex.

pat giorni

Returning to topic....

pat giorni

There's plenty to read, but here are videos of the trial yesterday for all you courtroom fans: Morris Brown's Videos of Hearing

Part 1 (47 min) https://youtu.be/fgfeZsBJZDY

Part 2 (36 min) https://youtu.be/Ca0oRlElTWY

Part 3 (22 min) https://youtu.be/DcaLaoGLLPo


It sounds like SoCal has a number of ABAG-like windbags just like us:

e California rail authority’s failure to identify a source of funding to connect Los Angeles to the future bullet train system is not acceptable, said Hasan Ikhrata, executive director of the Southern California Assn. of Governments.

Until the high-speed rail authority released a new draft business plan last month, the state had planned to open its first operating segment between Burbank and the Central Valley by 2022. But in a major concession to its limited funding, the plan now calls for a cheaper segment that would run from San Jose to the Central Valley by 2025.

By the time that initial segment is built, all the existing funds would be exhausted, leaving uncertainty about how and when the line would cross the geologically complex mountains of Southern California.

The lack of specificity is stirring some deep concerns among legislative analysts and Southern California’s political leadership, reflected in Ikhrata’s position. Ikhrata is scheduled to testify at an Assembly oversight hearing on Monday and says he will deliver a message that there are still too many unknowns in the plan.


If that last statement is true (and he said it, so it must be true) wouldn't a conscientious elected official write a bill to stop the whole thing???

"Gravy" "Train".

Joe, two words... "Gravy" "Train".

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