The second of three priorities I discussed with Chief Wollman and Capt. Matteucci was property crimes. I've been wondering if auto and residential burglaries are really up or are we just more connected via social media (what one Voice wag calls Nosy Neighbor Network), the on-line crime map and newspaper reporting? BPD's perspective is that auto burglaries are up somewhat on the Bayfront (i.e. at hotels and restaurants), and commercial areas are seeing some uptick, but residential area crime is basically flat verses historical trends.
Common sense and education of our tourists would help on the Bayfront. It still surprises everyone involved that people would leave computer bags or other valuable in plain sight in locked cars. BPD uses "bait cars" with some success and the "decoy" car that can be seen on the Avenew is a modest effort to deter retail theft (where there have been some notable losses lately). A portable, pole-mounted camera is also in the works for hot spots in the Bayfront parking lots. We also discussed the rumor around town that BPD does not fingerprint cars that have been broken into. They do fingerprint unless there are circumstances that would render it pointless (like rain).
In residential areas, one of my hot buttons has been door-to-door solicitors. There is agreement that this is often the first step to a residential break-in. Knock once, knock twice, go around back if no one answers. I know several B'gamers who have experienced this and get told "Oh, I thought I saw a friend of mine". Yeah, right. Commerical solicitors need a permit and there are only two in place right now, but charitable solicitations do not. BPD welcomes a quick call to the non-emergency number alerting them that solicitors are in the area (use (650) 777-4100). Bottom-line: Use your trunk, take out valuables and alerting phone calls are welcome. Here is the decoy on the Avenew.
Yesterday's Daily Post had an article that listed the increase in burglaries, larcenies and auto thefts in Mountain View at +42% for the first 10 months of the year. Violent crime was up +12% YOY.
"A possible explanation for this increase is the influx of high-tech businesses and workers who have expensive electronic devices attractive to thieves" according to their chief.
Posted by: Joe | November 15, 2015 at 03:29 PM
Why doesn't our chief of police give a state of the union crime qreport at city council meetings?
Besides going to the police crime stat website which is limited in reporting, and reading the crime reports in local papers, we hardly here a peep from the police.
So here is my suggestion Chief Wollman, please get up and address the public at least 4 times a year and let us know the stats in our neighborhood. You can also email us a report.
How about signing up on Neighborhood Next Door and letting us know what is going on in our back yard. We want to help the police but can only do so if we find out if there is a pattern of crime in our very own backyard.
Many many times the only way I find out there are burglaries is by word of mouth thru neighbors.
Thank you for starting this thread Joe.
Posted by: Samiselfie | November 16, 2015 at 05:48 AM
Great idea!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: resident | November 16, 2015 at 10:23 AM
Communities like Burlingame should also consider the trade-offs of hiring the San Mateo County Sheriff's department instead of having local police.
Millbrae, San Carlos and other cities have done it to save money and perhaps pay down their unfunded pension liabilities and debts.
It would be useful to hear from the other city's residents about the difference in response time, crime right, customer service/interaction, etc.
There is a different culture from a local police department where the officers are planning to be serve that community for many years - it's more personal. And, those officers tend to have more time to work out issues with residents rather than act like drill sergeants.
Ultimately, the residents have to be able to trust the police officers and vice versa, particularly in light of local corruption problems that we've all witnessed like our former Chief of the Central County Fire Department, Mark Ladas, who served Hillsborough and Burlingame:
...and also our former State Senator Leland Yee:
I'd like to know what measures local police departments are taking to identify and address corruption within their police departments.
Posted by: mutual trust | November 16, 2015 at 05:04 PM
I'm afraid that it is also time to address yard sales in Burlingame. It has been proven that would-be thieves scope out a street at these events. My neighbor has these "sales" every three months. YIKES
Posted by: BernieBee | November 25, 2015 at 08:53 AM
I had a bit of follow-up reminder/pointer from BPD as follows:
Utilize our website at Under the police department tab you will find many helpful items such as:
The ability to report minor crimes via the web without the need to call an officer to your home. Reporting minor crimes may not seem important, but it helps police track crime trends. You can find this under the “online reporting” tab.
The ability to view the daily police blotter and plotted maps of police incidents under the “crime maps, arrests & incident information” tab. The daily blotter is labeled “bulletin.”
The ability to sign up for police alert systems (systems that alert you via your home phone, cellphone, text, or email to emergencies or important neighborhood information) and police social media pages (such as Facebook and Twitter). You can locate these features and a more detailed description of each by selecting “be informed” under the “emergency preparedness” tab.
The ability to sign up for passing checks of your home while you are away on vacation. You can learn more about this feature and sign up for the program by selecting “vacation house check” under the “crime prevention tab.”
The ability to read about a variety of crime prevention measures and tips under the “crime prevention” tab.
Posted by: Joe | November 25, 2015 at 04:37 PM
One of my near neighbors recently posted this on NN:
Just curious if anyone else had a young woman stop by their home mid-afternoon yesterday, saying she was with a single moms group? She was wearing a winter jacket and a beanie. Odd for a visit in the middle of the day. My mom was at our home at the time, and the woman walked away immediately after being told we weren't there, with no goodbye.
Posted by: Joe | December 09, 2015 at 08:46 AM
Please! No more Yard Sales.
Posted by: GeoRand | December 10, 2015 at 06:15 AM
Fix the debt first. Jeez-Louise.
Posted by: Peter Garrison | January 05, 2016 at 01:16 PM
And, the state does get 6% of the gross revenue from the hotels on the adjacent ground leases from the state owned land, so that's in the back of their minds.
I think that the City Council knows that a hotel developer could swoop in and convince the state to adhere to what is probably mandated in state law to sell or lease at a market rate. $1M per acre is far below the market value.
Double would be reasonable and triple wouldn't be out of the question.
On one hand, the City, State and Federal Gov'ts own an incredible amount of real estate. On the other hand, these groups have an incredible amount of debts.
It's funny when bureaucrats realize that they can't spend an unlimited amount of money, all at once - or is it?
Posted by: OB1 | January 05, 2016 at 05:46 PM
There is a benefit to the park. If I remember correctly, you can get two, if not three regulation soccer fields on that property. That then would allow for soccer tournaments to come to Burlingame, using those fields, Murray and Bayside fields. It could fill up the hotels and bring other income to Burlingame. We have a tremendous field shortage in our City and could desperately use the space. I get the other issues though but wanted to point out a possible income generator.
Posted by: Laura | January 05, 2016 at 07:50 PM
The "Joe" who made two posts today on this thread is not me - Joe Baylock - and those posts have been unpublished because they masquerade as me; one of your editors and the guy who originated the post.
Whoever you are, you are welcome to repost your points (which were actually pretty good!) under some other name...see the Terms of Use. I can suggest this one:
or you can choose another like the rec center or sports or city finance categories.
Posted by: Joe | January 05, 2016 at 09:09 PM
Looks like someone's New Years resolution was to impersonate The Man.
Posted by: hillsider | January 06, 2016 at 10:30 AM
The police blotter showed two packages were stolen off of porches in Burlingame on Thursday. One on Albemarle and one on Linden that was a microwave.
Posted by: hillsider | January 17, 2016 at 04:12 PM
If you belong to Next Door, there is an excellent photo of a young white male criminal strolling up to a house on Lincoln in Burlingame. He stole a delivery box. This was posted days ago - January 2016. You just might recognize him.
Posted by: Samiselfie | January 18, 2016 at 07:35 AM
An alert from BPD today notes an Easton Addition residential burglary was stopped by the resident who was home but did not answer the test door bell ring. The car was caught on camera:
The suspects were interrupted while attempting to break into the rear of the residence by the homeowner, who had heard someone ringing her doorbell earlier, but did not answer the door. Upon seeing the homeowner through the rear door, they were trying to break into, the suspects immediately fled in the following vehicle, featured below:
• A matte black Z series BWM 2 door convertible
Posted by: Joe | May 03, 2016 at 04:53 PM
I had a nice chat with my mailman today who informed me of a rash of stolen packages in the neighborhood and three burglaries on the same street (two streets over). Riffling through unlocked cars has also been an issue.
Today's SacBee notes that statewide:
The report also said that robbery and aggravated assault rates dropped 13 percent and 1 percent, respectively, from 2010 to 2015.
Burglary was down 2.6 percent last year, to 197,189 from 202,556, but property crimes saw a rise of 8 percent, to 1.02 million from 946,682.
Posted by: Joe | July 02, 2016 at 12:59 PM
The robbers think that the rich people deserve to get robbed. It's like "social justice". You didn't earn your money, systemic injustice robbed the robbers and their people.
Occupy Oakland would be proud!
Posted by: Occupy Oakland would be proud! | July 05, 2016 at 03:40 PM