We must collectively mark the tenth anniversary of the passing of the Broadway Caltrain station as a real stop that gets sufficient service. Sure the train stops a few times on Saturdays and Sundays, but it is still a sad little reminder of how inept Caltrain's management really is. That the poor Brio sign is still languishing in front of an empty restaurant is even more sad. Helluva a way to run a railroad. And our City Council spends plenty of time pointlessly manipulating local housing costs that they have no business getting involved in, but can't burn a minute on getting some weekday rail service back. It is time for a change in City Hall.
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Joe and town,
I've been emailing and talking to Caltrain management for a couple years with many restaurant clients over time that were interested to lease it out.
I understand that it's only 2,000 sf and not a priority...so finally they listed it with Colliers. I've been told that they accepted a lease offer several months ago, but that it had to go through Caltrain management review before being finalized. Some burger and beer joint.
What's a society to do about a chronically low performance, low accountability, high scandal, high debt, 'progressively' law ignoring and power taking government?
...ensure that the government gets smaller, less powerful, less intrusive, and more balanced in its philosophy.
It's already a "run-away train", don't you think?
Posted by: Run-away train | August 01, 2015 at 04:40 PM
This is a runaway train that's never comin' back...wrong way on a one-way track, feels like we should be getting somewhere, but somehow we're neither here nor there, ya know what I mean?
Posted by: Bruce Dickinson | August 02, 2015 at 01:11 PM
More like a stalled train. Is that lame brain Mark Simon still involved? Never hire a newspaper guy to run a railroad. Or for that matter a city (Nagel).
Posted by: hillsider | August 02, 2015 at 09:22 PM
The station opens again as soon as the electrification of the tracks is done.
Posted by: fred | August 03, 2015 at 11:09 AM
So prepare to celebrate the 20th anniversary of weekend only service.
Posted by: hillsider | August 03, 2015 at 02:43 PM
I don't think it has a much to do with someone's employment background as their backbone and ability to see a negotiable position. For example, the Carolan Ave. monster condo approval might be predicated on limited weekend service at B'way from Caltrain--send city staff to relay the ridership that 450 new bedrooms 100 yards away might generate and see what they say.
Posted by: Joe | August 03, 2015 at 06:42 PM
Supposedly done the winter of 2020, but you could be right.
Posted by: fred | August 04, 2015 at 11:27 AM
Although Friends of Caltrain are no friends of mine, they do have the ears of the board of directors . Take the poll and request restoration of B'way weekday service NOW for the very reason that 450 new bedrooms are being added just 100 yards away from the station. http://org.salsalabs.com/o/741/p/salsa/web/questionnaire/public/?questionnaire_KEY=1791
Posted by: pat giorni | August 07, 2015 at 11:14 AM
Here's a concept that might work...the City of Burlingame (really meaning all people who pay taxes into the city coffers) agree to "Take Or Pay" a minimum revenue level per quarter to Caltrain. What does Caltrain need to open it during the week?
And, the city canvases and gets commitments perhaps even with bank direct debits to individuals who feel like they want it open - like signing a petition, but it's a service contract, and when the city gets enough people to sign up, then the station opens. You want more stops at Broadway, more committed riders. And, then the individuals that want it open - put their money where their mouth is and simply ride the train, rather than write or talk about how it should be open.
What do you think?
Posted by: Run-away train | August 07, 2015 at 01:45 PM
I think it is an odd thought for such an anti-big government type.
Posted by: hillsider | August 07, 2015 at 04:34 PM
I had dinner at Maverick Jacks in the B'way train station last night so I got a double reminder about today's sad 11 anniversary. First, some trains still stop at B'way on Sundays and second, the sign is still up.
Maverick Jack's was good, by the way. It was filled with families and young kids at 5:30 so there was a wait when normally there would be none. And at 7pm there was no wait when normally in B'game there would be one. Good burger, Niman Ranch Beef.
Posted by: Joe | August 01, 2016 at 10:40 AM
Buried in the staff report about the impending economic study of the Broadway district was this note:
For the Broadway economic study, the cost will be covered by a $400,000 grant from MTC/ABAG for a Broadway Specific Plan.
***The grant application highlighted the significance of the Broadway Caltrain station returning to full service with the CalMod electrification project, and the need to conduct planning in conjunction with the grade separation project.***
It also noted that in order for Broadway to become a functional transit-oriented neighborhood, the specific plan would not only focus on land use and development standards, but also economic development. As such, the scope of work will include a market and economic study. This would be the first such study prepared specifically for the Broadway commercial district.
If electrification really does cause the B'way station to reopen it will be an amazing thing!!! I am holding my breath.
Posted by: Joe | July 13, 2021 at 05:32 PM