It's one thing to look at a website and see the water level in the Hetch Hetchy. It's much more impactful to stand on the dam at the outlet of Lake Tahoe and That is the view below.
That is the lake "shore" in the distance and the locals tell me that there has been some rain in Tahoe this summer including a very good storm last week.. Yet up and down the Peninsula city planning commissions and councils continue to approve new hotels, office buildings and higher density housing. It makes one wonder what they are thinking since we will never have enough water in California.
I wish I had not seen this headline in the SacBee:
Forecasters ‘unanimously’ expect strong El Niño, giving hope to parched California
Read more here:
"Unanimous" usually means "wrong" when forecasting the weather...or anything else for that matter.
Posted by: Joe | August 13, 2015 at 08:17 PM