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July 15, 2015


Elliot Barstall

Try the train and motorcycle noise. Burlingame per capita I think is louder than Manhattan, NY.

j. mir

Well you live near an airport. If one visits the airport frequently (we're there 2x a month at least either flying or picking or dropping), then living with the _very_ infrequent traffic changing patterns and the noise that accompanies that is acceptable trade-ff for the convenience of living near the airport. Be glad its not San Bruno where the noise is much worse.


I agree j. mir - that's what I mean by the love-hate relationship. I'm there more than 2x a month and I love being this close.

By the way, I was a day ahead of the Daily Post article in yesterday's Post. It appears Anna Eshoo is really only worried about Palo Alto so I hope Jackie Speier is keeping an eye on her!


I'm hopeful someone will push the idea of a curfew at SFO since I am wide awake at 2:15 am listening to planes take off. That is unnecessary period.


I found an interesting (at least to me) factoid in The Economist about US flight routes.

"Flight corridors frequently follow historic routes and zig zag around. Many of the routes which cross America are based on where hilltop beacons were lit to guide Charles Lindbergh's mail flights in the 1920s. Plenty of radar systems still resemble 1940s technology and only provide a limited "view" of what is in the air."

Hence the NextGen project that is causing consternation in Palo Alto, Woodside, etc.

Peter Garrison

When I flew in the late 70's for Cessna Aircraft Company, the aeronautical chart for Sacramento still had tiny B in the middle of a Fairfield ranch denoting an old beacon.

My Dad's 1930's aeronautical chart for the Bay Area had the name Haywards for the Haywards Hotel in the town now known as Hayward. The chart also featured a simple morse-code designator for Oakland Airport; an A and an N. The pilot would listen for the tones to become a single note and that meant you were over the airport. Time to spiral down through the fog... Yikes.


I'm going to move the comments on SFO noise here (where they belong). Most of this is NextGen generated:

Yay for our new council.

Just read in The Daily Post that the FAA will consider calming Palo Alto and San Carlos' nerves by having more easbound flights depart runway 10. Theae are the departures which rattle the windows and nerves of Hillsborough, Burlingame and Millbrae until 2 AM.

Go council, go.

Posted by: Peter Garrison


Posted by: Lowlander

We need to get to Eshoo and make sure that doesn't happen on runway 10. It is bad enough already. Palo Alto should share the burden for 30 years like we have.

Posted by: resident

Former pilot here: The Daily Post had an article showing the variations in flight paths approaching SFO. Pilots can vary the approach over different cities and throttle back for a higher and quieter descent.

Of course, there would be no variation of take-off pattern if the 10 runways are used more often; the Peninsula cities can share the approach noise but we would get all the departure noise at full throttle.

Write Speier and Hill; Eshoo won't answer you if you'rw out of her email constituency...

Posted by: Peter Garrison


Here is an old post that I just found and is pertinent today. I wonder what is happening with the "Quiet Skies Caucus". It's been almost two years.

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