From the Daily Journal we read that
The county will start looking for qualified builders to construct a new $20 million animal shelter on Airport Boulevard to replace its antiquated facility at Coyote Point. The project at 12 Airport Blvd. is expected to be completed in October 2017, according to Porter’s report.
San Mateo County contracts with the Peninsula Humane Society for its animal control and sheltering services. Animals are processed at the current location at Airport Boulevard and, if or when deemed ready for adoption, moved to the Tom Lantos Center for Compassion, the donor-funded facility that opened in 2011 on Burlingame’s Rollins Road.
Here is the Rollins Rd. facility if you haven't had a chance to go by and see the adoptable pets.
$20 Million for the animal shelter, yet there is still no movement to quiet down the gun range at Coyote Point Park for the benefit of both the animals and those of us that can hear the gunfire at all hours of the day and night, not to mention those families trying to enjoy the recreation area.
Posted by: Russ | July 23, 2015 at 10:00 AM
SAN MATEO COUNTY TIMES NEWSPAPER. July 23, 1982 (excerpts)
Apparently spurred by last winter's $12,000 settlement in a case in which a 13-year old girl said she was slightly wounded by a stray bullet from the Coyote Point Rifle Range, county superviors Thursday initiated steps to relocate the range. At the insistence of board Chairman Edward Bacciocco, though, the board discarded a staff recommendation to fund the range for only six more months, and agreed to keep it open at Coyote Point in San Mateo, until a new location is found and developed.....
The rifle range, officials said, is no longer compatible with other activities at Coyote Point Park. Supervisor K. Jacqueline Speier said that negotiations are under way with San Francisco officials to combine the coyote Point range with the San Francisco-owned-and-operated Sharp Park Range in Pacifica. But she said chances for an agreement may be slim.
Bacciocco tried to link the fate of the rifle range to views for or against gun control, but his colleagues emphasized that gun control had nothing to do with the issue.
"You are wrong--it's incompatible with Coyote Point Park, said Speier of the range. "It's located right in the center of one of our heaviest used parks...we're setting ourselves up for some dangerous predicaments at that site."
Posted by: Jennifer | July 23, 2015 at 11:11 AM
The Coyote Point Range is planning to eventually make it indoors.
I have an excellent alternate location. And, I have sources of private wealth that are specifically interested in helping to fund a world class range at Coyote Point or other local properties.
The Range Master knows me, and he just needs to return my recent email to him, hire me as a consultant, and I can get this done.
Look folks, the police cannot be everywhere instantly, particularly in the likely event of an earthquake or other mass disaster.
[Additional rock solid reason why you can't rely upon the police to protect you against the bad guys...removed by the author. Think Leland Yee.]
You need to be able to protect myself and my own family, independently within the existing bounds of the law.
Pacific Rod & Gun Club (temp closed for clean up of old lead), Chabot Gun Club (12 month lease renewed with the future uncertain), Coyote Point Shooting Range, Los Altos Rod & Gun Club, etc - we must preserve our 2nd amendment right to bear arms, and we must preserve our right to learn and practice shooting in a safe environment.
What do you think?
Posted by: Sport, Personal Protection Practice, & Police Training. | July 23, 2015 at 03:29 PM
So, you sound like you echo Bacciocco's sentiment from 1982. Many of us have heard for years that "someone of wealth" is donating funds for an indoor rifle range-- and in the meanwhile, I don't believe any of it.
Posted by: Jennifer | July 23, 2015 at 03:43 PM
Listen folks, the last thing we need 'round these parts is bunch of urban cowboys armed with a Bible and a gun who think they can shoot. There is some Freudian psychology about those who have fascination with guns exhibiting "anal aggressive" behavior, not to mention the obvious phallic symbolism. When NRA members are pointing guns at your mouths, stating that you HAVE to accept everyone's need to own a gun (and they should own guns) while simultaneously exhibiting fascination with destruction by shooting holes into targets, it makes Bruce Dickinson contemplate about how clean the barrel of the gun pointed at you is.....ya know what I mean? .... but alas, I digress!
Shooting ranges indoors seem like a bad use of valuable land on the Peninsula and Bruce Dickinson isn't sure that without the wealthy card-carrying member of the NRA to fund it, given the economic choice between guns and butter, as it were, most would select the butter..namely something that contributes to economy that everyone enjoys and earns a profit. If you want to have more fun, try some laser tag, skeet shooting (though I lament the skeet shooting closure at Lake Merced that I would enjoy sometimes after a golf game at Olympic), or hunting. If you want to practice your aim, there's an indoor range in South SF that I'm sure is perfectly adequate for Peninsula needs. Also please keep your guns stored in a locker at the ranges, you hear of children getting access to guns and bad things happening. Bruce Dickinson, who does enjoy skeet shooting and recreational hunting believes there are better places to enjoy firearms and what we have here is enough. Free up that space at Coyote point and create more open space and opportunities for recreation. Thank goodness it's in San Mateo and not Burlingame, or else the Burlingame City council would probably turn it into a 10 story apartment building!
Posted by: Bruce Dickinson | July 23, 2015 at 06:33 PM
Jennifer, well I don't know about 1982, but I asked my very very wealthy friend if he was interested, and he said Yes! I'm a primary resource guy. I'm talking 2015.
I'm glad to see "Bruce" admit that he enjoys his 2nd amendment rights including target practice and hunting.
The NRA is a lobbying group that specifically protects 2nd amendment rights from politicians like Leland Yee who want to pretend to care about making the community safer to score votes (and money from military rocket launcher sales apparently).
Making the community safer is certainly what everyone wants, and in fact is straight from the political focus groups of what to emphasize.
I'd challenge the community to "Like" the NRA Facebook page, because then you'll hear about the regular examples of where law-abiding citizens where able to protect themselves, their families and others by being prepared with background checked personal firearms, and using them in the existing strict engagement laws, whereby you can legally defend yourself, without having to wait for Bubba-paid-off cop to decide to show up, or perhaps even point a gun at your head arbitrarily in the process of trying to respond to your call to police (perhaps just because you have exercised your freedom of speech and questioned the establishment political/industrial machine, Jerry Brown & CO).
Posted by: Sport, Personal Protection Practice, & Police Training. | July 23, 2015 at 07:20 PM
Whatever you think about guns and gun ownership, put it aside a moment, go over and try to enjoy a "park" where there is literally constant shooting for hours on end, with the exception of most Sundays. But you don't even have to go visit to hear them, walk around Lyon & Hoag and Burlingables-- even early mornings and pretty late into the evening, and they are shooting away. Of course, everyone wants the law enforcement officers to be well trained for any instance where they are needed, but I cannot understand why this has to be in a popular County Park with an otherwise amazing atmosphere. One wonders what to tell the young kids when they hear the shooting, it just doesn't compute for me, period. Obviously it didn't compute for Jackie Speier, either, way back in 1982-- but even she couldn't figure out what to do about it.
Posted by: Jennifer | July 23, 2015 at 08:03 PM
OK. My replacement property solution that I suggested to the Range Master was the Crystal Springs Reservoir Quarry across the water. Yes, it could be designed to easily eliminate risk of contamination, I believe.
Plus, it would make a wonderful place for a "Rod & Gun" club to be paired with police training, complete with fishing in the primary reservoir and Lake Pilarcitos.
However, some of the Agenda 21 worshippers (who oversee the land) told me that that would be impossible, not because human presence would legitimately threaten the water which is chlorinated and unchlorinated several times anyway, but because of the desire of enviro-obsessed 21ers to create no-man lands and to corral humans into narrower and narrower areas...because humans are bad. It's true look up United Nations Agenda 21. Jerry Brown & CO's employees are religious about it.
Carole Groome is probably a good supervisor to talk with about it. Carole, do you like my concept?
Posted by: Crystal Springs Rod & Gun Club | July 23, 2015 at 09:04 PM
Carole has been completely useless as far as any noise control in Coyote Point. Hate to say that, but it is the truth. She actually said that the noise from the "cannon" that is used once a day to scare the geese off of the golf range is more offensive than the (constant) gunfire; I kid you not.
Posted by: Jennifer | July 23, 2015 at 09:16 PM
Question: One wonders what to tell the young kids when they hear the shooting
Answer: If you can't hit what you are shooting at, a legal firearm is about as useful as a unicycle. If you don't practice you can't hit what you are aiming at.
Seems simple enough.
Posted by: Thinking man | July 23, 2015 at 11:31 PM
Fellas, you have got to be pulling Bruce Dickinson's leg! A gun range at Crystal Springs?!? Given it's a family show, I'll just call that one a "solution in search of a problem" and leave it at that. I'd like to have a little wager about the chances of that happening....let's just say in my opinion it's about as probable as building a nuclear plant in Fairfax, Marin County. Just be forewarned, it's a wager that might be small to me, but may not be to others, and I will be sure to collect my winnings.....and I don't accept Discover cards!
Posted by: Bruce Dickinson | July 24, 2015 at 12:27 AM
"Bruce", did you follow my point? The old quarry across the Crystal Springs reservoir, which is accessible via ranger tour on a scheduled basis off of 92 going up the hill towards Half Moon Bay...not Crystal Springs Golf Course.
And, no "Bruce", it's not a solution in search of a's been a problem since at least 1982 per above, right? Its a problem which classic government effectiveness takes 30+ years to solve.
Poor Discover Card brand, I'm a Platinum AMEX guy myself with offers at higher colors - who cares??
Posted by: Crystal Springs Rod & Gun Club | July 24, 2015 at 10:21 AM
Listen, little fella, you have got what appears to be a reading "comprehension" problem and a problem with "assumptions". Where did Bruce Dickinson say golf course? I was referring to the open space preserve that is Crystal Springs. I didn't think anyone would be confused by my reference to that given all the comments prior, that is, until now.
My wager is for anything happening within Crystal Springs, or any hills between here and 20 miles west, north, south, whether it be the reservoir, the quarry, the golf course, spanish town, or the rock islands off of HMB, as the probability of a firing range is pretty much zero. No one would be for it, period. Even Bay Area residents give the Blue Angles a hard time as they represent "militarism". And you think a new outdoor firing range in open space on the Peninsula is going to have support? You seem to have a low opportunity cost of time, as it were, focusing on things that ain't gonna happen, ya know what I mean? Take my advice and focus on "shooting fish in a barrel" and be dynamite at what you do and get rewarded for it, and maybe you can upgrade your AMEX card (btw, there is only one color "up"!) and drive a Ferrari someday. "Success" isn't based on hope, my friend.
Now to the "assumption" problem: the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man, is that he is a survivor! Getting into a battle of the wits, IQs, wagers, what have you with Bruce Dickinson may be assumed by you to be the same probability as a coin toss. Except, the outcome will be heads: Bruce Dickinson wins, tails: you lose.
Now let's move onto solutions where a problem exists. Even my secretary, Julie, who is transcribing this post, has a lot more important things to do and refuses to type any more on this topic!
Posted by: Bruce Dickinson | July 24, 2015 at 04:53 PM