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June 20, 2015



This might be the only so-called Project in town that is worth doing right now. How long will the post office look like a war zone in Bosnia.


Here comes the next phase--From the City we learn:

Beginning July 28, 2015, Caltrans will be performing construction work on the southbound off-ramp of U.S. 101 at the Broadway exit as part of the construction of the U.S. 101 Broadway overpass.

All southbound U.S. 101 off-ramp traffic at the Broadway exit will be diverted to the Cadillac Way/Rollins Road intersection.

From the Cadillac Way/Rollins Road intersection, traffic will be diverted to northbound Rollins Road and Broadway.

All traffic over the existing overpass and southbound U.S. 101 on-ramp at Cadillac Way will remain accessible during this work.

This traffic configuration will be in effect for the duration of approximately eight (8) months. Motorists should expect significant delays and are encouraged to consider alternate routes during this construction.

So March 2017 is the target date (8 months)


We're just a few hours away from crafting nostalgic stories about how we used to be able to use that righthand curved off ramp from 101 - the one that leads right to the intersection of Broadway and Rollins by the Valero gas station. It's gone forever. What does come back in 8 months time is the new off ramp that 'ramps' up to the new overpass where it ends at a traffic signal where you're supposed to turn right to go back down to the Valeros/Audi intersection. Whole new world.

Bruce Dickinson

Fellas, funny how this closed Broadway overpass for nearly 1 year (which is what it probably ends up being) will make people so fed up with it, that they'll actually want a Peninsula overpass? Bruce Dickinson strongly suspect this is not what you would call a coincidence, ya know what I mean?

Also, BMW, next time you're reminiscing and in that intersection, trade in that BMW of yours and step it up and walk into the Porsche dealer and let the past be in your rear view mirror. Then forget about Broadway, take the scenic route, come down on 280 toward Burlingame and enjoy the ride through the roads of Hillsborough and Burlingame. I know I do, except of course, it's in a Ferrari, but quite frankly, a Porsche will do just fine. Just do not buy a lipsticked VW at that dealership, other wise known as an Audi. Those are about as nimble as driving a sled.


Yes, it couldn't be a Caltrans engineering decision so they can keep the overpass open during construction. It must be a conspiracy theory (a completely flawed and unnecessary one, at that).


Most likely both.


10:14 PM notice tonight:

Highway 101 is closed in both directions at Broadway in Burlingame. There are high voltage lines down in the roadway. Drivers should avoid the area if possible and avoid coming in contact with the power lines. Those individuals that are on the freeway in the area or think the wires may be in contact with their vehicle should remain in their vehicle until advised by the fire department.


Thank goodness nobody was injured.
There is a lot of "infrastructure" at this intersection.
For example, there is a large buried fuel line that runs pararel to 101 South/ Rollins Road from SFO to the San Jose Airport.
I do not remember if it was Jet Fuel, Gasoline, or Diesel Fuel.
As a matter of fact it may be all three.
Unfortunately, this fact may have revealed itself during this accident that happened.
Or an earthquake.
The electrical lines could have ignited this underground infrastructure.
I guess, when these pipes were installed, the engineers really had their "stuff" together.
Thank Goodness


This was quite a big deal - helicopters overhead for a good part of the weekend and enough traffic on local streets to give every one a preview of what life would be like if every developer got to build everything they wanted to build in town.

Commuters on Highway 101 near Burlingame will no longer face traffic delays from workers fixing the downed transmission tower crumpled by construction crews due to what officials called an efficient and thorough emergency response.

The Highway 101 Broadway overpass in Burlingame opened hours ahead of schedule at 9:30 a.m., Monday, Aug. 31, after being closed most of the weekend in the wake of a construction crane knocking down a transmission tower, Friday, Aug. 28, snarling traffic throughout the region.

Traffic was stopped in both directions on Highway 101 for hours immediately after the accident, as high-voltage power lines landed on cars occupied by commuters, and was periodically closed throughout the weekend before being opened permanently early Monday morning.

Workers erected temporary poles which will hold the lines carrying 115,000 volts, while a more permanent solution is developed, said Pacific Gas and Electric spokesman Joe Molica.


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