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April 16, 2015



The drought is a very serious issue. Without water what will we do? But I find it very hypocritical for our Governor and our cities to ask us to cut back our water usage while they continue to build like there is no tomorrow!

Now is the time to take this drought serious and consider a moratorium on building permits.
No new water hookups we obviously cannot sustain at this time.

I am sick and tired of our state and cities talking from both sides of their mouth!

Peter Garrison

Big amen.

Just wondering

If the city wants to do something constructive about water they can stop requiring the special double-flush toilets. Most people are doing the "if it's yellow, let it mellow" thing already but the double-flush toilets aka low-flow are not saving anything.


Here is an OpEd by the Foster City council member who heads the BAWSCA


I particularly liked this comment:

"It would seem to me that a fair solution would be to say that each household gets so much water and everyone needs to reduce to that level. Thus, prior conservation efforts are not penalized and prior abuse is no longer tolerated. Unfortunately, there is no one making decisions listening to me so that is not what is going to happen."



Thanks for posting this very important information regarding the current drought conditions. Just wanted to clarify that the City of Burlingame is member of a 26 members agencies called BAWSCA (Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency) since its formation in 2003. The Burlingame City Council has recently re-appointed former Mayor and Councilmember Rosalie O'Mahony to the BAWSCA Board to represent Burlingame. Rosalie with her vast knowledge in the area of water supply and infrastructure, continues to well represent Burlingame and the Peninsula region on water issues through BAWSCA.

Again, I want to thank everyone for your efforts to conserve water in Burlingame and raise awareness of the issues in the light of the current drought conditions.


Thanks, Syed. It would be of interest to a few people to know what direction the Council has provided to Rosalie regarding seeking out new supply and storage vs just telling everyone to conserve.

This problem is not going away.

Today's Wall Street Journal has an article about East Bay building. Lennar is already committed to a major build on Treasure Island and at a former shipyard, but the article notes that last week it purchased 111 acres at the old General Motors/Toyota plant in Fremont where "it plans a dense mix of 2,200 apartments and houses, R&D space, and offices, all centered around a new station for the commuter rail that leads to San Francisco." All with Fremont's city "planners" endorsement.

Has the BAWSCA written to every city in the Bay Area suggesting that they revisit old and new approvals? Is there an intent to increase the cost of new hook-ups? This feels like bureacracy adrift (no pun intended).

lisa t

what is the latest with residential water service in Burlingame? we will see a rate hike? I heard that Burlingame is below the usage average and the rates will remain as they are? anyone else hear this or something different?


Good question. I have not heard anything but so far the trend seems to be on the voluntary conservation push rather than on the rate or fines ideas.

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