It's Tax Day and it never seems to get any easier. The Wall Street Journal has a piece about collectors of tax memorabilia that notes
The government began collecting federal income taxes during the Civil War. The tax disappeared and reappeared a few times in the late 19th century, but the modern income-tax system as we know it didn’t emerge until 1913, with the introduction of the first 1040. In 1913, the 1040 form had a single page of instructions, compared with the 104 pages for the 2014 form. Most IRS memorabilia isn’t worth much: Blank tax forms from 1913 on can be found free on the IRS’s website.
Even better was the piece in yesterday's Daily Post noting that the stress associated with taxes is unhealthy and makes driving more dangerous today.
So here's to your health and to workin' for the man. As the state with the second highest tax burden in the country, we need all the help we can get.
I'm done, but I think we have til Monday, April 18th this year. Get on it, folks.
Posted by: Joe | April 15, 2016 at 07:56 PM