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October 22, 2014


Cathy Baylock

The back office space could be used as an artsy movie theater. Cashier windows selling tickets and drinks. See https://www.facebook.com/TahoeArtHaus

Actually, I am very surprised to see the "for lease" sign go up...

Cathy Baylock

In all seriousness, I would love to see the new owners do something fabulous with the building as was done with the Greenwich, CT historic post office building. We certainly have the same demographic: http://ir.restorationhardware.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=79100&p=irol-newsArticle&id=1933567


The Greenwich P.O. is a very stately building and it looks fabulous! We can only hope and dream that the Burlingame P.O. can be transformed in such a manner.

only considering year to year leases

I have a tenant client that's well funded and would like to do a nice restaurant with a live music focus.

However, that would require a solid 10 year lease to justify the improvements.

I believe they are only considering year to year leases, in order to not encumber the site for an actual developer.


I'm certain they're looking for a short term tenant until they can develop the site. Unless they're looking to rent it for $80,000.00 or more per month to cover their purchase price. It's one or the other.

Cathy Baylock

Fred, I am sure you are right. Thank goodness it's too late in the season for The Halloween Store...


Roller derby rink
New team: "Burlingame Basherettes"


Install a Soccer Field.


Hmmm...I smell more high price generic looking condos/apts. Whatever will bring in the most $$$$$.


With some research from the Burlingame Historical Society, I am positive that a Native American Tribe called, and considered Burlingame the Home of their People at one time or another.
Once that fact is established the foundation of an Native Indian Casino should be laid immediately at the "Abandoned US Property" previously known as The Post Office."
I am sure that The Philanthropist, Producer, Humanitarian, and just a regular guy-Bruce Dickenson, with a little help from the "Man of the People," Russ Cohen can seriously put there minds and resources together and make something special for everyone on the Peninsula, and beyond.
This is not a jokey comment.
Burlingame has the ability to do something great for a marginalized minority that has suffered more than any other minorities combined..
Blacks, Latin's, Jews, Muslims, Homosexuals, Asians, Handicapped, last but not least; Stupid People- Most likely the Majority of Minorities the World over.
Lets do something good for California Native Americans.
California native Americans Only... This time.
Only California Native Americans.
What say ye?
Mr. Dickenson
Russ Cohen?
You are both honorable citizens, and have great contacts in the entertainment industry, and Silicon Valley.
Please consider this request.
Holley or Holly.

Local resident

I would rather see more business revenue come in to our town, especially now that we have our beautiful (and expensive) Burlingame streetscape completed. Burlingame foot traffic seems to be increasing and, if the developer can turn the old PO into a prime mixed-use space, it would certainly generate long term tax revenue for the city. I like the idea of a movie theater. I suspect a Wholefoods might fit well, or how about a Microsoft store?

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