Even the Wall Street Journal has jumped into the California Superintendent of Public Instruction joining a rising tide of newspaper support for the challenger Marshall Tuck. They write today
The real problem with California schools is a lack of accountability. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Rolf Treu this summer struck down the state’s teacher tenure, seniority and last-in-first-out laws as violations of equal protection in the landmarkVergara case. About 98% of teachers in Los Angeles Unified School District are guaranteed a job for life after just 18 months. Over the last decade only 91 teachers in California have been fired, and merely 19 for subpar performance.
Mr. Torlakson has condemned the Vergara case as “bashing teachers” and demanded that the state appeal. Governor Jerry Brown dutifully obliged. Should the appellate court uphold Judge Treu’s ruling, the next superintendent could let the decision stand and play an integral role in helping the legislature rewrite state law.
Mr. Tuck supports the Vergara ruling, and his candidacy is backed by the plaintiffs and such Democratic school reformers as former L.A. mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed and Parent Revolution executive director Ben Austin.
Two years ago, I posted about another brave politician here. We will see if Tuck can pull it off this year. Expect an onslaught of negative TV ads paid for by our neighbors on Murchison Dr. I put his lawn sign up today.....
The CTA does not see themselves as a union, but the owners of the CA public schools. Note the use of OUR schools Why do the teachers own the schools? So unions don't raise millions of $$$ to gain control of public sector institutions?
"Billionaires are pouring millions of dollars into the campaign of anti-union Marshall Tuck. As I write this, these corporate special interests have amassed more than $6 million just since Oct. 3 in order to push their agenda on our public schools.
We don't have that kind of unlimited money for media advertising, but we do have you – the 325,000 members of CTA. Your vote for Torlakson will send a clear message to all of the wealthy investors in Tuck's public school-privatizing agenda that they are going to have to come through us to get to our students"
They are going to have to come through us to get to our students? Does the CTA own the students? This is the message sent to all teachers in California.
I guess a CTA member has never had their child sit in a classroom with an unprofessional and lunatic teacher. A teacher with such low self esteem that they believe that their own use of control tactics are far more important than a students education.
How about teachers who spends their time tracking down students because the are so insecure in their own lives that they have to control the lives of others.
If Wall Street is backing this candidate there is a solid (non-union) reason for their actions.
Markets don't usually lie. Is the CTA counting its days? I did not put CTA in charge of our schools... and neither did you.
A teacher.
Posted by: KRN | October 20, 2014 at 10:49 PM
Man, everytime I drive by the CTA building, I get sick to my stomach. Compare that stately, gorgeous-looking fresh-coat-of-paint-every-3-years to the BIS auditorium. The condition of the BIS auditorium is deplorable. Ancient electrical and wood paneling, trashed wood flooring that has never been refinished, peeling paint, 1950's linoleum, 1960's seating, rips in the carpet, acoustic panels with warping and water damage.... tons and tons of deferred maintenance. When I think about that place then think about the CTA building, I feel.... like voting...
Posted by: J. Mir | October 23, 2014 at 08:08 PM
It only took four days for the negative TV ads I mentioned to appear and be analyzed!
Some bits from the SacBee note:
Analysis: While the facts of the ad are essentially true, it draws an exaggerated distinction between the two candidates by focusing solely on challenges from Tuck’s career while overstating the impact of Torlakson’s efforts in office. It suggests that the candidates’ relative successes and failures can be attributed to whether they have teaching experience; Torlakson does, while Tuck does not.
and, the best part
Torlakson taught high school science in Contra Costa County from 1972 to 1981, before launching a political career that eventually took him to the state Senate and Assembly.
I wonder how much the California classroom experience has changed since 1981??
Posted by: Joe | October 24, 2014 at 08:36 AM
Quite a shame tonight:
TOM TORLAKSON (63.91%) *
Same ole, same ole.
Posted by: Joe | November 04, 2014 at 11:53 PM
Not as bad you thought, Joe. 52.1% to 47.9%
Posted by: Cathy Baylock | November 05, 2014 at 04:35 PM
Wow. I'll bet the money spent by each was not remotely this close!!
Posted by: Joe | November 09, 2014 at 06:34 AM