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October 15, 2014



I drove past there this morning.
What in the world is going on at that property?
It is a literal Junk Yard-Hoarder property.
Welcome to "The City of Trees."
There should be a wall put up there.


I had dinner with a long time local who recalls roller skating at the Yankee Doodle rink which was located in this building. That's way before my time, but it sounds like fun. He got his first kiss there in 7th grade. Anyone else in the same boat?


Speaking of "More Claw."
Regarding the Tree Removal that happened @ Mills canyon a few months ago,
Does anyone know what the investigation and outcome was?
My understanding is that the City of Burlingame Arborist-Bob Disco gave his permission for the project to go ahead.
The neighbors were never informed by Bob Disco City Arborist, regarding the removal of City of Burlingame Heritage Trees.
The Heritage Trees were in a Park.
Mills Canyon.
According to my friend-Bob Disco's property backs up to Mills canyon too.
Probably just a coincidence too.
What was the outcome of this "Controversial" Park and Recreation Event that the new Park and Recreation Director Margaret Glomstead should stop wishing it would go away, and address the mistakes, lack of oversight by her experience.
Say you are sorry, fire or suspend someone, and become the leader we all know you are.
Transparency is the best policy.


I would like to add something that did not come through my last comment.
Mr. Disco has done an excellent job in the urban reforestation of Burlingame, and from what a friend of mine (P&R Commission) told me, he does a lot of volunteer work in Burlingame as well.
I am sorry giving the impression that I think Mr. Disco is just another Government Employee.
Mistakes have been made and the need for answers should be made public so they do not happen ever again.
Hopefully sooner than later.
Everybody make mistakes.



Bah, Humbug. I'm a crotchety old guy!

J. Mir

Burlingame should immediately start putting pressure on Caltrain to restore weekday service to Broadway. The whole demographics of the area is changing and with this new development going up on Carolan, I cannot see how they can justify not making full use of the station. Get Caltrain to reopen it and monitor numbers for at least a couple years before shutting it again.

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