The City Council made short work of the big decision on who should fill Jerry Deal's seat. Ann Keighran was the odd-woman out as she voted for Laurie Simonson while the other three sitting councilmembers all went for John Root. 3-1, done deal so to speak.
I had some fun searching for this Voice post from Nov. 22, 2005 that described the election results that year. It's ironic that the very-close-also-ran from 2005 (John Root) beat out the even-closer-also-ran from 2013 (Russ Cohen) for the open seat.
Was that a vote for go-along-get-along vs. a voice that would challenge the consensus? We shall see. As was mentioned in tonight's meeting, John Root has been attending a goodly amount of council meetings, budget meetings, etc so we will be looking for a fast start!
John Root = Safe, Predictable & Dull.
Just what they (Michael, Ricardo & Terry) want up there.
Now he is beholden to the majority.
Kudos to Anne Keighran for voting for someone else. We need some new people with more energy.
Posted by: Devie | October 21, 2014 at 09:11 AM
"Deal’s seat will be up in November 2015 and Root said he doesn’t intend to run in that election."
Posted by: fred | October 21, 2014 at 11:21 AM
So it ends up being an "I scratched your back, now you scratch mine" decision. Root helped and supported all the candidates who voted for him and ran against Keighran. Any surprise that she voted for someone else? So now we have someone on the council who sees eye to eye with 3 of the 4 present members and has no intention of running in the election in 2015. What a choice. What a council. NOT.
Posted by: Been here forever | October 21, 2014 at 11:49 AM
While I know and like John Root, it is weird that he'd even apply for appointment, if he doesn't intend to run in the future election.
I do see the aforementioned point that John Root actually got more votes in his very close race against Cathy Baylock, comparing to how many votes Russ got.
Terry has criticized Russ as being obstructionist (to her Dem agenda) in the past. Is that why they choose John Root, because he'll just go along with the CA Dem supermajority agenda?
While Russ still drinks the Dem koolaid, all honor to Russ for standing up against "The Machine".
This very powerful scene from Saving Private Ryan reminds me of how The Unions are killing a healthy long-term society in California, while the cowardly voters stand by and know that their 'California' is getting stabbed to death just around the corner.
It's OK, just take it. Shhh, let the $67B->$100B High Speed Rail happen. Don't dare question The Jerry Brown Machine.
After all, the people and the voters of California really do not care about what's best for the long term, but rather what's in their own personal best interest and what will put money in the pocket today (heavy spending, heavy debt, and heavy taxes now, and much heavier taxes in the future).
It's too late. No one can stop The Jerry Brown Machine. It would take a serious revolution among the people of California.
Posted by: It's OK, just take it. | October 21, 2014 at 12:16 PM
Nice guy but really no stance or leadership on anything.
Posted by: resident | October 21, 2014 at 09:12 PM
Bruce Dickinson is disappointed that Russ was not chosen, but if in fact John Root will not run in the next election, this might actually work out quite well for Burlingame. You just have to watch out for the "Ed Lee" syndrome in San Francisco, where an individual may become smitten by all the power and decide to run anyway, but I will give this person the benefit of the doubt as well as the City Council's ability to distinguish genuineness/honesty from lies (I would be remiss if I didn't say that BOTH honest people as well as liars are equally good at spotting other liars). Bruce Dickinson will be talking to some of his "guys" in Burlingame to find out if this new "root system" runs deep and wide or narrow and shallow. Remember folks, try to pull a fast one on Dr. Dickinson and you will be called out, for sure.
Posted by: Bruce Dickinson | October 21, 2014 at 09:35 PM
Anytime I saw John Root at the podium all these years, he was always telling the city council "they were doing a great job." There is a complete lack of passion on his part about any issue - he does sit on lots of boards! Let's face it, being on council was simply on his bucket list.
Wonder why Ortiz voted for Root? This all seems like a game of "Survivor." You scratch my back now and when I run next, you help me.
The real story is:
Michael and Terry voted for John Root because he helped both of them with their campaigns. It is never about who is the best person. It's a personality contest. Quid pro quo.
That is politics!
The interview process was nothing more than a dog and poney show. A complete waste of good people's time.
Posted by: Travis McNeil | October 22, 2014 at 01:25 PM