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August 24, 2014



Sorry but 10 O'clock cutoff on a Saturday night is lame!! Geez at the very least can they make it till 11:00??
If my memory serves me correct does anyone recall the club that existed back in the late 70's or early 80's at the current site of Il Fornaio? There were alot of issues there and believe this may have been when this curfew hour was enacted. Time for a change!

Give me live music, or give me...

Yes! The missing link in Burlingame and in most 'burbs are a vibrant art and music scene.


In the '70s into the '80s it was the feed store in the mid-80s it was Banyan Bay, the coke store.


According to bar owners the nightlife changed occurred with the change of council about ten or so years ago. Using Fanny and Alexanders as an excuse the city cracked down on nightlife and many bars closed and the ones that were left lost business due to vigorous police enforcement.


Has anyone been to Broadway Grill for Motown Mondays? Fun place and all ages. Maybe this is what we need more of!

I haven't heard of any issues there??

Peter Garrison

I propose a trade: No leaf blowers for a 11pm music curfew. Ears can only take so much and music has less dust.

Bruce Dickinson

Joe, I gotta let ya, I think they could'a used a little more cowbell.... just sayin'


If they build 200 units on the Post Office property there will be plenty of demand for live music downtown. Oh, and whores and more coke. Just like San Mateo.


Hillsider, I think you have described a false choice. We don't need one (more people) in order to have the other (more entertainment). Fred mentioned Banyan Bay and I have fond memories of that place. I listed a few others in the original post. There is demand but no supply and the question is whether or not that is a regulation/licensing issue or not.


Agree with Joe. Live music venues are obviously lacking in Burlingame and San Mateo and I believe the demand is there.

Hillsider apparently you have been living up in the "hills" far too long.
There is more to life than shopping, eating and drinking. When was the last time you listened to some good music that made you wanna dance?

And I am not talking about a hip hop joint here!


I can boogie with the best of them, Joanne.


lets start with finding a place that would allow an open mic one night a week. it could be in a restaurant and or café space...it could be acoustic music, spoken word and comedy... the restaurant and or café could turn into an open mic at 8 or 9 on say a Thursday night... who knows businesses that could entertain ideas??? who is willing to give this a try? Russ you have that beatnick hippie vibe give it a try


good point... does anyone really come to burlingame hoping "wheeeee lets drive through the tunnel-o-trees" i think not... let us pin our hopes on the vinyl club in downtown (no i refuse to call it "ave" or anything else)

More live music please.

Congrats to the B Game Ave BID on the recent live music.

Sad that Steelhead doesn't want to use their perfect, central venue for live music. I've even offered to produce the music (foot the upfront money) myself.


...it's no secret that something free, really has a cost...

"Big Daddy"

...it's no secret that BD, is really not Bruce Dickinson.

Let's just call him "Big Daddy" folks.

the walk of the cock

Yes, better yet, we can call BD *the walk of the cock*

The Crock of The Cock...

How 'bout, The Crock of The Cock...


...it's no secret that denial is betrayed by a cock's crow...

Hardly Strictly...

I love how far live streamed music has come:


...it's still "local music" streaming live her at 6:33pm.

You can also watch the archived, excellent quality sound and video.

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