Our local ex-mayor and ex-council member Joe Galligan has tossed his hat in the ring for County Controller. Word of Joe's plan was making the rounds awhile back, but today's DJ article confirms it
Controller is the only county government position with an open seat because current Controller Bob Adler, appointed to finish out his predecessor’s term, is retiring. The options are Joe Galligan, a former Burlingame mayor who unsuccessfully challenged Arnott for treasurer-tax collector, and Assistant Controller Juan Raigoza. Raigoza, 47, has worked in the Controller’s Office for 13 years and has Adler’s backing, according to his campaign.
Can one be a mosquito commissioner and the county controller at the same time?
Can anyone trust the former mayor. I know I cant
Posted by: Tp | March 08, 2014 at 07:43 PM
Instead of running on his own merits, it looks like the G- man is resorting to slinging the mud early on. Let's just call him old "Lawsuit Joe."
And posted immediately after is an article where the same Joe G. pleads to the city of San Bruno that he should be tax exempt. He cost the city of San Bruno a pretty penny. Is this the guy we want to oversee the county's budget?
See the article in the SM Daily Journal below:
Former Burlingame mayor files suit over other candidate’s qualifications
The assistant county controller running to fill the open seat of his former boss is not legally qualified to hold the position, according to his opponent who filed suit Tuesday afternoon asking a judge to determine if Juan Raigoza meets the minimum requirements.
“I don’t know how Mr. Raigoza is qualified to run for the position,” Joe Galligan said. “He’s not a CPA, he’s not a certified internal auditor, he’s not been the county’s assistant controller for three years.”
Galligan, a former Burlingame mayor and certified public accountant, said Raigoza also doesn’t meet what he believes is the definition of having five years in a senior fiscal management position. Raigoza, who became assistant controller after Bob Adler’s appointment to fill out an unexpired term, was manager of information systems.
“That’s preparing payroll or making sure all the departments can talk to each other. That’s not a fiscal manager. It’s a responsibility and a major one but not a fiscal management one,” Galligan said.
Galligan said, in his opinion, senior fiscal manager equates to a controller or a chief financial officer position.
Raigoza’s spokesman, Alex Tourk disagreed with Galligan and said “the accusation questioning Mr. Raigoza’s qualifications is absolutely false.”
Some of qualifications listed in the government code are subjective, said County Counsel Glenn Levy.
“As such, a judge would have the ability to decide the merits of Mr. Galligan’s arguments,” Levy wrote to the Daily Journal.
Galligan said he contacted the Elections Office to verify Raigoza’s qualifications and was told his only recourse was filing suit which he did yesterday. A judicial decision is expected to be fast-tracked to beat the ballot print date.
The county controller must be a U.S. citizen, registered San Mateo County voter and meet the following requirements, according to the Elections Office:
Be a Certified Public Accountant; or, possess a degree from an accredited four-year institution with a major in accounting or its equivalent and serve in a senior fiscal management position at a private firm, government agency or nonprofit for at least three years straight within the last five years; or, be certified as a professional internal auditor with a minimum of 16 semester units or equivalent in accounting, auditing or finance; or serve as the county auditor, chief deputy county auditor or chief assistant county auditor for at least three years continuously.
Once elected, the controller must complete at least 40 hours of continuing education with half being in governmental accounting, auditing or related subjects.
According to Raigoza’s camp, he earned a bachelor’s of arts with a double major in accounting and finance and an MBA in management information systems from California State University at Chico. He worked for the Controller’s Office for 13 years including leading two separate divisions for more than the required three years. He is backed by Adler, former controller Tom Huening and county Supervisor Warren Slocum.
Galligan said he’s open to the possibility that Raigoza may in fact be qualified but that the candidate wouldn’t share any specific ways how with him.
“The bottom line is I hope he qualifies and we can make a race out of this,” Galligan said.
Tourk called Galligan’s challenge to Raigoza’s qualifications an intimidation tactic.
“Instead of repeated legal threats, Mr. Galligan should instead focus on convincing the voters why he as a professional politician is best suited to be a steward of the public’s precious resources,” Tourk wrote in an email to the Daily Journal.
The candidate filing deadline for the controller position is 5 p.m. Wednesday.Skypark seeks city favor
"Mercy," pleads Joe Galligan. The chairman of the board for Skypark, Inc. in San Bruno says his business is dying.
The high-end airport parking service has been dealt several bad blows in the past two years, including a sharp drop in airline travel, increased competition and a hike in insurance premiums. Now Galligan -- an accountant, Burlingame councilmember and former mayor -- has taken the unusual step of approaching San Bruno and asking for a favor.
"This is literally a last resort," he said.
Galligan is asking the city to grant Skypark a reprieve from an 8 percent tax on the proceeds of all airport parking lots. San Bruno voters imposed the tax in 2000 -- the year record numbers of travelers hit SFO. The tax has raised almost $2 million for San Bruno's general fund -- all of which came from Skypark, the only such company in San Bruno.
Now Skypark is running in the red, quickly devouring its reserves. And unless the city lifts the tax, Galligan said the company will close its doors and release its 60-or-so employees by Christmas.
It is not the first time Skypark has requested the reprieve. Skypark sued the city twice to challenge the constitutionality of the airport parking tax, claiming that as the only such company in town, it was unfairly singled out.
The courts sided with San Bruno in September 2001 on the grounds that the tax could conceivably apply to any similar company in the city, and an appellate court upheld the decision in May. The suit and appeal cost San Bruno about $360,000.
Galligan warns that it is not only the city that will suffer if Skypark goes under. For example, according to company President Kim Kassner, Skypark spends more than $60,000 per year at the San Bruno Auto Center on repairs to its shuttles, and another $40,000 or so to repair scratches and other damage. It buys $6,750 worth of doughnuts and $15,000 in coffee per year from nearby Royal Donuts. Its employees eat, shop and often live in San Bruno.
It is a new argument, and one that has caught the ears of the San Bruno City Council. Councilmember Jim Ruane said the effects of Skypark's potential demise will be looked at closely by the council, though the council has repeatedly denied Skypark's request in the past.
"I frankly don't think that Skypark's problems are a city-initiated problem," said Ruane, part of a two-member ad hoc committee convened to study the issue. "They had a lot of time to think about this before."
San Bruno is reluctant to offer a reprieve from the tax for two reasons. First, the city recently was faced with a $1.6 million budget deficit so severe it was forced to cut back public safety and popular programs. For a city that might face similar cuts again next year, losing $500,000 in tax revenue is not an appealing thought.
The second reason for reluctance is that councilmembers are afraid they will set a precedent that would be hard to reverse the next time a beleaguered company comes to City Hall looking for a lifeline.
"How can I, as a councilmember representing the whole county, give one particular company a distinct advantage?" Ruane asked rhetorically. "It's tough all over."
At its next City Council meeting, the Skypark will be given the chance to plead for a reprieve one more time in front of the five councilmembers, who have the power to reduce the tax if it feels there is a substantial public benefit. Galligan will point to the fact that Skypark is one of the top property tax generators for the city and local school district.
Posted by: Bob | March 13, 2014 at 02:30 PM
Bob beat me to this post, but here is the link if you prefer to read it from the DJ:
Today's edition has an letter to the editor from Michael Murray:
The letter says, in part "Mr. Raigoza’s refusal to clearly state his qualifications for the position and to speak to the Daily Journal is also troubling. His hiring of a San Francisco political consultant and letting him speak for him, blasting Mr. Galligan as a “career politician,” shows his lack of knowledge of San Mateo County."
Never a dull moment when election time rolls around!
Posted by: Joe | March 13, 2014 at 02:53 PM
Bob should watch out that he doesn't get sued by Galligan to. If he has a couple of lawyers in his family like Galligan he might be ok but if no then its time to get one. The other guy doesn't sound like any prize either.
Posted by: Been Around | March 14, 2014 at 01:01 AM
There's another letter in today's DJ that makes a good point. Here's the bottom line:
"While I understand it could be a bit uncomfortable to have to tell someone that they do not qualify, that is the legal obligation of the county election officials to require that candidates provide documents that prove that the candidate is qualified. Why did the county choose to place the burden of proof and expense of a lawsuit upon a private citizen?"
Posted by: Joe | March 14, 2014 at 01:04 PM
Sounds like you have been around for awhile Been Around. One of the perils of having a bunch of lawyers in the family is you are tempted to use them.
Posted by: hillsider | March 15, 2014 at 08:07 PM
Controller candidate Juan Raigoza has more time to prove he is qualified for the position based in part on experience he accumulated working in the office, a judge ruled Monday.
Raigoza, the current assistant San Mateo County controller, has until noon Thursday, March 20 to submit his credentials and a hearing is set for the following Monday, March 24.
In his motion for new trial, Raigoza’s attorney asked for the extra days to prepare an adequate response and argued that the right to run for public office is protected by the First Amendment. Attorney Jim Sutton also argued that Joe Galligan, Raigoza’s opponent who raised the qualification issue, did not give enough notice prior to a hearing last week which left his client without time to hire an attorney and review the petition fully.
Galligan’s team objected to the extension under the argument he should have been prepared to hand over the information on March 6 when he submitted the paperwork and signatures to qualify for the ballot.
“If a lawyer now needs more time to figure out if he’s qualified, I just wonder didn’t Juan know his qualifications when he filed?” Galligan said after the extension hearing.
Posted by: hillsider | March 18, 2014 at 09:02 PM
I can't believe that Mr. Galligan stands a chance, but stranger things have happened. He has always resorted to below the belt hits and this is no different. He is a bully and has an incredible ego. That is all.
Posted by: Been here forever | March 19, 2014 at 02:24 PM
Does anyone know if Joey-boy got his ruling today?
If Raigoza is out then the county should just appoint a temporary guy until we can have a real election. Right? Lemme hear ya?
Posted by: Frightened in town | March 24, 2014 at 11:49 PM
No surprise, the judge threw out Joe's
suits against Juan Raigoza and the County.
Posted by: Burlingame lover | March 25, 2014 at 08:27 PM
The real issue here is "judgement." I want someone in the controllers office that shows good judgement, especially financial good judgement.
Clearly, Mr. Galligan can not use good judgement, having just spent several thousands of dollars on a frivolous lawsuit and has historically done the same before as shown above.
460 reports are out today, excerpt from SMDaily Journal listed below, which shows further poor judgement as Joe G. has not earned much, but spent quite a bit already, while his opponent has raised much and spent little. Better final judgement IMHO.
Not going unnoticed is Joe G. former colleague Terry Nagel contributing to the campaign of Raigoza. Sends a loud message, no?
From the SM Daily Journal:
Joe Galligan raised $450 and loaned himself $5,000 to run for county controller. He also spent $9,229, according to campaign finance statements for the period Jan. 1, 2014, to March 17, 2014. His donations include $250 from Community Gatepath Executive Director Sheryl A. Young.
Controller candidate Juan Raigoza raised $32,201 and spent $4,143, according to campaign finance statements for the period between Jan. 1, 2014, to March 17, 2014. His donations include $1,000 each from retired controller Tom Huening and current Controller Bob Adler, $25,000 from himself and $100 from the Terry Nagel for City Council campaign. His expenses include $3,942 in legal fees.
Posted by: Bob | March 26, 2014 at 05:15 PM
I think Raigoza has enough money to mail to the whole county about how Joey-boy tried to take away their vote. This one could get ugly. If he digs deeper the stuff Bob has reminded about can get really bloody. Nobody likes lawyers or tax evaders.
Posted by: Frightened in town | March 26, 2014 at 09:39 PM
Posted by: Frank Fortunato | March 26, 2014 at 09:53 PM
This is better, Frank Fortunato. Why pull punches here? Turbotax jockey--good one!
Looking forward to hearing more from the inspiring testimonial to the American Dream--that kind of BS scares me as much as Turbojock.
Posted by: hillsider | March 26, 2014 at 11:52 PM
Yup. Old "lawsuit Joe" won't give up. He is appealing the judges decision that Ragoiza is qualified. Too bad he can't just run on his own merits.
Posted by: Bob | March 27, 2014 at 10:46 AM
Appeal denied, in apparently less than 24 hours!
Posted by: Burlingame lover | March 27, 2014 at 07:41 PM
Shameless Joe Galligan apparently may not give up pursuing his cynical legal strategy funded by taxpayers. When will this glorified Turbotax jockey start running a real campaign now that his opponent, Assistant Controller Juan Raigoza, will be on the ballot despite Shameless Joe's attempt to deny the voters a choice?
Maybe never because who wants to support someone who not only came in third when he ran for Treasurer in 2010 but was palling around with Sarah Palin back in 2008:
"Joe Galligan, the former mayor of Burlingame, was impressed by Palin's performance and message.
'She did a great presentation,' he said. 'I think she's starting to really articulate the differences between John McCain and Obama.'"
Shameless Joe hasn't recanted his pro Palin message since then as he came out against the Affordable Care Act in 2012 parroting Tea Party talking points:
It will be interesting to see who among the County politicos will support Shameless Joe in view of his Tea Party tendencies and losing record.
Stay tuned, I'll keep you posted.
Posted by: Frank Fortunato | March 27, 2014 at 08:37 PM
He's got my vote just by what you wrote.
Posted by: Tea drinker | March 27, 2014 at 09:04 PM
Is that tea or Kool Aid you're drinking?
Posted by: Frank Fortunato | March 27, 2014 at 09:07 PM
Hai Guyz! ;) Tea drinka or Tea bagga? HAHAHAHA..oh wait Palins a gurl hahahah ROFL! right back at 'ya (wink)
Posted by: longwong | March 27, 2014 at 10:46 PM
I can't resist sharing this letter to the editor in the SM Daily Journal on May 2.
Headline: Bullying
As a society, we strive hard to teach our young people that bullying is improper behavior. Joe Galligan, from the time he was a little councilman, has bullied everyone — city employees, business people and citizens. When he ran for assessor against Sandie Arnott in 2010, he made bullying comments during that race. Now in 2014, he has bullied Juan Raigoza by suing him and the county for attempting to keep him off the ballot. In fact, in 2010 in San Mateo County, he was sued by his own family over his father’s estate. Is this a person we want as controller? He personally told me when he was the mayor of Burlingame the voters were stupid and as long as you had the three votes that is all you needed.
Well it is time to show Little Joey that the voters are smart and we are tired of his type of politics. We need to vote for a person who is honest, has integrity and will bring transparency to his office. Join the educated voters and vote for Juan Raigoza for controller.
Tom Marriscolo
The letter writer is a retired Burlingame police commander.
Posted by: Russ | May 04, 2014 at 08:49 PM
Joe, you and Sarah Palin are a real team! Do you want her to come and campaign for you like you did for her?
Posted by: Frances Jones | May 07, 2014 at 05:51 AM