I refrained from posting about the recent tri-partite-hosted meeting last month sponsored by Ms. Speier and Mssrs. Gordon and Pine because I really didn't have much to say about it. This was the invite:
Meeting the Challenge
of Sea Level Rise in
San Mateo County
Sea level rise is one of the most serious consequences of climate change and it will have a profound effect on San Mateo County which has more people and property at risk from the rising sea than any other Bay Area county. Please join us to hear from national, state and local experts to learn about the magnitude of the challenge we face and the options and strategies that are available to plan for and adapt to this new reality.
Having just gotten back from a week in Tahoe and seeing lousy ski conditions and numerous headlines about our drought conditions, including today's Sierra Sun headlines (emphasis on plural) reading "No Surprise: Snow Scarce in first survey of 2014" and "Officials urge water conservation as Northern CA dry spell continues" may I suggest a big meeting next month titled "What the heck we are planning to do this summer when there ain't no water to be had?"
I'll bet the Hyatt, Marriott or Westin are all available for such a conference at a reasonable price. Jackie, Dave, Rich? Anyone able to find a couple speakers who can suggest what to do come June? Does anyone remember what the price increase was on water usage over your "baseline" during the last drought?
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