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January 26, 2014



Do not get your hopes up. CalTrans specializes in overdoing the size of what they do and under delivering on the schedule and workmanship. Today's overpass is a disaster but the fix is going to take up all the space available and make everyone wonder what happened.

Hey, I know what...

Hey, I know what would be great for that former 76 gas station land once they get the $75M new overpass done...a gas station!

Vladimir Dostoyofsky

How lazy can a society be where they can't walk four blocks to another train station?

Now wonder the country has the highest heart disease rate in the world.

Tear the stupid train station down and refund the taxpayers the money you spent on the ridiculous project.

Somehow we need to file private lawsuits against the politicians for incompetence. If we file a civil lawsuit against the city council members, it will force them to retain legal council and spend a fortune on personal legal help. Maybe? Let me research it.

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