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January 23, 2014


Bruce Dickinson

Guys, I gotta tell ya, I cannot stress enough the importance of financial prudence and saving for a rainy day, so hearing Council say these things is music to my ears! Bruce Dickinson is no stranger to learning the lessons of excesses and lack of prudence. One needs to look no further than the recorded music industry. How many record companies went bankrupt over the years? Edison, American Recording, Capricorn, Sugar Hill. Hell, even Columbia went bankrupt at one point...though make no mistake, that happened way, WAY before I started my legendary career there!

I cannot help but wonder whether having Ric as a banker on the Burlingame City Council is changing the thinking at all, though I must chuckle at the article when Terry Nagel throws the ex-city manager under the bus for Burlingame's past spending problems. C'mon, folks is that really necessary?!? I remember when Peter Criss left KISS and kept badmouthing the band while begging me to produce him solo. No way I would touch that, just out of principle alone, and yes, we all know what happened after that. Nobody likes a scapegoater!

Otherwise, I really like what I'm hearing, and hopefully the other Council members also choose to join this bandwagon!

Been here forever

Oh Nagel always has to throw somebody under the bus and she probably had some falling out with Nantell, as she has with many along the way. She never takes responsibility for anything and is best at continuing to make people dislike her.

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