We keep an eagle eye on the Avenew in hopes that it won't all be new in the next few years. The DJ has a piece on The Personal Touch's decision to go to strictly on-line
After 33 years in business, a local engraving store is shutting its doors due to rising rent costs.
The Personal Touch of Burlingame will be closing in January 2014, after finding a final Burlingame home at 257 Primrose Road for 18 years. Its previous location was at Burlingame Avenue and Park Road.
“We pleaded with the landlord, but they keep raising rents,” said Folks, who lives in San Carlos. “We paid top dollar and had no air conditioning in the summer or heat in the winter. A client just came in and said what everyone is saying, ‘It’s sad to see so many small businesses leave Burlingame.’”
Please click through and read the whole story because it bears on what our "village" will look like 10 or 20 years from now. We bought a couple nice things in the shop just last month so now I will look at them in a whole new light--which is easy with crystal! As we move into the heart of the holiday season, please remember to Shop B'game.