I'm finding it hard to believe the idea of moving Off the Grid from the Caltrain parking lot onto Broadway proper during a weekday rush hour is getting any real consideration, but since it might be, here is a post on the idea for comments. The Daily Journal piece yesterday captured some opinions:
John Kevranian, owner of Nuts for Candy on Broadway and member of the Broadway Business Improvement District, made a proposal last week to Off The Grid and to the city of Burlingame to have the food trucks on Broadway instead of the Caltrain Broadway station parking lot to better promote Broadway. He wants to close Broadway from Chula Vista to Capuchino avenues Tuesday nights from 5 p.m.-9 p.m. and have the food trucks and the Broadway merchants participate for a 90-day trial period. Tuesdays are traditionally quieter than Thursdays for Broadway businesses.
and another approach from our lumvinary
Meanwhile, other Broadway business owners were in support of the idea, but didn’t feel like food trucks were negatively impacting businesses on Broadway. Sending someone to Off the Grid with coupons for their businesses would have benefited them, said Weimax Wines & Spirits owner Gerald Weisl. Blaming Off the Grid is just an excuse, he said.
The thing I really don't get is where this next comment is coming from since I have never heard it before:
(Kevranian) also noted it’s hurtful to hear community members saying there’s nothing compelling about Broadway merchants. He believes the city turned the community against Broadway.
Wha? The "community" has considered B'way the locals' district for years (as opposed to the Avenew's sheen) and what exactly has the city done here to date? I don't get it. We'll see about the rezoning option Jerry Deal dangles at the end of the article. I do know you cannot clear B'way of parked cars, police the closure for four-plus hours and reopen it for $187.50 per week (i.e. the $750 a month Off the Grid is paying now). And talk about a loss of parking spaces...Oy!
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