Former County Supe John Ward is well known in B'game political circles having been involved for more than 20 years as an elected official and a paid consultant. He normally sticks to development issues, but this letter in today's Daily Journal is apparently something he feels strongly about personally. One of the challenges when someone runs for office is their past comments (especially those that are recorded) become fair game. I'll let the letter speak for itself:
I arrived home to find a flier from Burlingame City Council candidate Andrew Peceimer, telling me he’d bring a “different opinion” to the City Council. Problem is, I remember Andrew’s opinions from comments he made to the council when he wasn’t running and I was appalled.
It was April 18, 2011. I was watching the meeting at home when he got up to speak. Just to be sure, I went to the public record to quote him accurately here. As he was criticizing public employees, Andrew said,
“Let’s talk about the firemen. Ever since 9/11 I think that there is a certain sympathy that people have for fire or police because of the action that they did. I understand what they were doing, but I don’t want to put them on a hero level. To me, a hero is somebody who jumps into the San Francisco Bay and they’re not being paid for it, and potentially they could die. When the firemen and policemen were running into 9/11, to the best of my knowledge, they were being paid. Nobody knew those buildings were going down. So I understand and respect what they do for a living, but they’re not heroes.” (minute 36.20)
Well, first responders are heroes to me, 9/11 responders especially. Does Andrew think our soldiers are not heroes because they get paid to do their job? Sorry, those aren’t my values. I am a 38-year Burlingame resident and home owner. I don’t think our council needs that kind of “different opinion.”
John M. Ward
It's hard to say what the impact of this reminder will be on the election, but my guess is whatever the magnitude, the direction will be against Andrew Peceimer.
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