Water is on many people's minds given the 17% of normal snowpack and the fire danger that ensues. In the meantime, the City of Burlingame has received an "AA+" rating (stable outlook) from Standard & Poor's in connection with its 2013 Water & Wastewater Revenue Refunding Bonds. That is a pretty good rating and S&P notes a variety of good management practices that drove it. But looking at the glass as half empty, one might ask, "Why not AAA?" The answer is
The primary credit weakness cited was "susceptibility to future increases in wholesale water purchase rates from the SFPUC."
Today's Daily Journal has a piece that talks about declining water demand
Demands for most water companies in California have dropped significantly the last few years for a variety of reasons but the bills keep going up and will climb by up to 17.3 percent next year for California Water Service Company customers in San Mateo, San Carlos and South San Francisco, called the Bayshore District.
I'm just using this as an example since we get our water from San Francisco Water priced in five tiers of usage show on the City's site here. Our main risk is San Fran keeps jacking up our rates especially for Hetch Hetchy repairs as we discussed here.
How do you say glass half empty in Latin?
Posted by: hillsider | May 08, 2013 at 09:39 PM