Today's San Mateo County Times has an article about the "reform" of CEQA. The essence of it is that the move to "reform" or "modernize" the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) that dates to 1970 is losing some steam. If true, this would be a good thing. When you read "reform" or "modernize" in this context, think "gut". The piece quotes Abigail Okrent of the Planning and Conservation League as saying
"We know businesses have complaints, but CEQA is by far not the primary thing getting in the way of development".
That's a huge generalization, but the article then goes on to describe some small time lawsuit between two gas stations in San Jose, but manages to avoid mentioning Gov. Moonbeam wants to gut CEQA so he can push High-cost Rail faster. It also describes how the construction unions use CEQA against developers. I have followed CEQA for more than a decade and haven't seen that happen, but it's worth searching for.
Our very own state Sen. Jerry Hill has taken over the reins on this from departed Sen. Michael Rubio of High-cost rail infamy who left to work for Chevron. Jerry's campaign website notes he has a 100% rating from the League of Conservation Voters. Here's hoping Jerry walks carefully on this one. Just don't take any advice from ABAG (see next post).