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September 18, 2012


Honorable Jason Ribben

Maybe 15 people. What a waste of our communities time and money


I have heard from someone who would know that the Fair drew more than 4,500 people last weekend!


Did you see Terry Nagel working the green booth right after she voted to let two big healthy redwood trees be cut down?


I agree with JR.
A waste of time for everyone involved.
These are "just not the times" for this type of event.
The "industry" putting on this event sells the junk to China.(Has anyone seen the video of workers who dismantle our Green.)
Same with the "Clothing Boxes" that send the "free clothing" to Africa.
(Check out that video)
Until "We The People" realize we are being taken advantage of, nothing will change.
For example, City of Burlingame City Manager, benefit& salary package.
How in the world that has gotten a pass on this site I have no idea!
I am not saying that the position does not deserve the package either.


How have the salary and benefits packages "gotten a pass on this site" of all places? Did you not read this post: http://www.burlingamevoice.com/2012/08/friends-with-benefits-part-19-ick-time.html#comments

You can click through and see that Mr. Nantell's TCOE (total cost of employment) is $279K per year. If you are not saying the position doesn't deserve something around that amount, then what exactly are you saying?


Holy Cow! I did not know that.
What I would like people to do is get that same sort of benefit package from the private sector.
Obviously, this TCOE per years is crazy.
At one time a 40 hour work week, Worker compensation for work place injuries,and safety regulations was thought of as ridiculous.
If the new City of Burlingame Manager gets hired at this rate I would like him to tell us-at an open Council meeting what he does to deserve this rate of pay.
$300,000.00 per year is insane.
The guys who have to "jet my line" get @$50,000.00 per year. I need them more than I need another Manager.


You definitely need to have something jetted. Why don't you apply?


I Did!


Much as I hate to admit it, I agree with Holy. That kind of salary is just ridiculous for the little burb of Burlingame to be doling out. It is no wonder that we are in the financial predicament we are, and that the good people of our fair city are always responsible for picking up the bill........now water consumption will also cause an increase on our already insanely expensive water bills. What next? Parking rates are up, sewer and garbage rates are up, water is going up, school bonds continue to come our way and where does the money go? Makes me kind of sick to my stomach.


Holy what is your bottom price. Would you do it for $75K? And who would you fire first?


You forgot about the double dip. It's the chocolate coating on the soft ice cream.


I do not know if I would do that job for any salary.
The people I would "let go" immediately would be every single City of Burlingame RETIRED MANAGER-ie Park, Rec.,Police, Fire, Engineering,Library Street, Sewer, Water,that was rehired the day they retired as "counsultants" That is a lot of people. The $100,000.00 plus club(retireed City of Burlingame employees)is huge.
As counsultants they make more hourly than when they were employed. Plus the City of Burlingame takes on the responsiblity of insuring their-counsultants opinion.
Double Dip with a Cherry on Top.
Ask City of Burlingame Council Members to confirm or deny.


"Double dipping" as you refer to it is illegal in most cities, after people were found to be cashing in big time as consultants, after retiring. Burlingame should be as smart, and the council should be more vigilant. Shame on them and those who are bleeding this city dry.


The Post "Newspaper" is always investigating Public Works issues in Palo Alto.
I would hope that The Post would look into this "old boys club."


What to do with all that stuff that you can't just toss? Here's the news:

Properly and safely managing residential Household Hazardous Waste and other items such as fluorescent lamps, computers and sharps is now as easy as picking up the phone or sending and email. Residents in Burlingame (as of Feb. 1, 2013), and Unincorporated San Mateo County (i.e Burlingam Hills) just need to follow this easy three-step process and At Your Door Special Collection (contracted by RethinkWaste, formerly known as Curbside Inc.) will conveniently collect from your home your hazardous waste and other eligible items that cannot be disposed of in your garbage or recycled in your curbside recycling program.

This program is for all residents (single-family, condos, townhomes and apartments) of the communities listed above. Residents do not need to pay a separate fee for using the Door-to-Door program, the costs are already included in your garbage bills. Residents may schedule as many appointments as needed.

Details here:


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