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July 20, 2012



And this from the Daily Journal....we'll see if Bill ends up eating those first words

Upgrade for rail; SamTrans facing issues
July 20, 2012, 05:00 AM By Bill Silverfarb Daily Journal staff

Gov. Jerry Brown’s signing of a high-speed rail funding bill Wednesday was great news for the San Mateo County Transit District as more than $600 million was pledged to modernize the Caltrain system.

The money will be used to electrify the tracks for a more efficient and sustainable rail system in an overall $1.5 billion project that could be completed by as early as 2019.

But Caltrain lacks a dedicated source of funding and transit officials are looking at some short-term solutions, possibly a regional tax on a 2013 ballot, that would reduce the burden on the three transit districts that support it — SamTrans, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency.

http://www.smdailyjournal.com/article_preview.php?id=1751505&title=Upgrade for rail; SamTrans facing issues

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