Vehicle traffic around B'game schools has been an issue for years and prompted the big controversy over funding the crossing guards a couple years ago. The Daily Journal is highlighting the latest petition and forthcoming study
Seventy-two people have signed an online petition asking for staggered start and end times noting traffic problems near Franklin Elementary and Burlingame Intermediate schools. Superintendent Maggie MacIsaac said the process isn’t that simple but that the Burlingame Elementary School District will be studying options in the coming weeks.
As the piece goes on to note, there are a bunch of interconnected parts to this. Good luck getting all of the gears to mesh.
I hate to say it, but some of the worst drivers around the school grounds are the parents themselves. That is independent of city, school, pubic or private. Really, besides an occasional delivery truck, the only people who double and triple park in strategic places are parents. Some of the kids being dropped off are barely tall enough to clear the bumper of an SUV. Good luck to the District trying to figure this one out.
Posted by: jennifer | June 15, 2012 at 04:03 PM
The parents are not the worst of the problem. There are however, multiple issues at work. First, many of the students don't pay nearly as good attention to the cars as they should. Some barrel through the intersections on skateboards. The second problem is that virtually no driver allows students to walk COMPLETELY THROUGH THE INTERSECTION before proceeding. Place some officers there occasionally and we've resolve the deficit of the state pretty quickly. The third problem is that the crossing guard should be at Quesada and Trousdale rather than at Martinez and Trousdale. Mr. Huff does a great job, but he could be of far better use if he was placed at the other intersection.
Posted by: Steve | June 18, 2012 at 02:28 PM
So are you opposed to all of the other ideas like a staggered start? And what about the elementary schools? Aren't they struggling too with much younger kids involved?
Posted by: hillsider | June 18, 2012 at 09:45 PM
Walk or bike to school and get the physical part of your education, kids
Posted by: pat giorni | June 19, 2012 at 09:36 PM