It's not news that the U.S. Postal Service is struggling to keep up with the modern pace and technologies. They have added some innovation with "managed service points" that allow them to track the mailpersons' schedules by having them scan stickers at certain addresses and record the times. But if you talk to someone who uses FedEx regularly they note the longer business hours (i.e.not closing at 5pm), the wider array of services and the level of service offered.
But nonetheless, next Monday's meeting about the future of the downtown Post Office is on people's minds and calendars. The Postal Service is required to hold a meeting and take public comment before they sell the property, but will they really be listening? I had time to chat with some residents while I waited in a line that reached the door yesterday (and it's not even Tax Day yet). Popular questions are where will they find this much space to rent downtown that is affordable (just ask Hola!)? Will the City let them rent ground floor space without a parking requirement? What will happen to the building? Why don't they close the Broadway office instead? And plenty of questions about how the place operates overall. If you have comments, put this meeting on your calendar:
Monday, April 16
6:00 PM in the Library Lane Room
It certainly was busy yesterday at 3pm!