City Manager Jim Nantell has decided to retire after nearly 40 years in the public sector. At the January 3rd Council meeting, the Council will vote on a proposal to retain Jim on an hourly basis in order to get priority projects completed and to help recruit the next city manager. According to the Staff Report on the hourly service proposal
As of January 2012 employees retiring from a council appointed position are now limited to a maximum of 960 hours in a given fiscal year and a maximum of one year (over two different fiscal years) or post employment with the agency from which they retired.
In discussions with the City Council it has been a priority to ensure that any post retirement employment option would not increase the costs and hopefully allow the City to realize some significant savings. The proposed contract would reduce the City Manager hourly rate by 21%. That reduction and the savings from paid benefits means the budgeted cost for the City Manager for the next 12 months would be reduced by 38% (over $100,000).
Normally we would wish Jim well now, but let's hold off on that just a bit since it appears the council has plans to wring the last bit of work out of him before he goes to de facto retirement! In the meantime, kudos on an approach to staying involved in the on-going work while getting some flexibility to do some other things in life once in awhile. Here's a reminder for you bloggers on some of the council priorities for this past year and another and another reminder. And here's a photo of Jim presiding over a range of city staff at one of the public meetings at the library (he's on the right).
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