Perhaps the Voice should have trademarked the moniker "High Cost Rail" when Part 1 of our series was published back in January of last year. But it was offered as a public service and may even be catching on. Here's a link to an article by California State Sen. Doug LaMalfa that captures the essence of the issue and notes
When the Legislature returns to Sacramento, I am introducing a bill to send this project back to the voters. It's their money and they deserve the final say.
Speaking of good suggestions, here is our own John Horgan advising another state Senator (Simitian)
We have a valedictory suggestion for him. As a service to his constituents and to all Californians, Simitian ought to break free from his Democratic Party shackles and say what needs to be said by someone in majority authority: Put the high-speed rail albatross out of its misery ASAP; don't put the state's taxpayers on the hook for endless billions of dollars of debt. We can't afford it. Not now, not ever. Not even if high-speed rail were to use Caltrain's tracks (for awhile) as Simitian has suggested.
Let's skip the re-vote and go straight to killing the High Cost albatross!
Thank you John Horgan, again, for telling it like it is.
Simitian has stated numerous times, that although an early supporter of the concept, he has lost confidence in this project's leadership, direction and feasibility. I think we've heard that enough and anxiously await the logical and ethical follow thru--Please leave partisan politics behind and stop wasting money we don't have.
Posted by: jennifer | November 22, 2011 at 10:17 AM
HSR is just a very bad idea, at a very bad time.
For example..
When was the last time you and a friend or neighbor said,"I can't wait to go to LA and back on HSR."
By the time you buy your ticket, go to the station, travel through security-just like any airport USA, arrive in LA, take a shuttle to car rental service, pay for all that, you could have driven to LA in your own car, in the same amount of time for the same or less cost.
Posted by: holyroller | November 22, 2011 at 05:49 PM
Who wants to go to LA that bad anyway?
Posted by: holyroller | November 22, 2011 at 05:51 PM
Top analyst warns state could waste $6 billion over high-speed rail
By Mike Rosenberg and Steve Harmon
Posted by: jennifer | November 29, 2011 at 09:22 PM