I have been mulling over this piece in the weekend S.F. Examiner about airplane noise, vibrations and the civil grand jury's assertion that SFO's monitoring is inadequate. At the bottom of the link you can see that in May there were 757 complaints about airplane noise filed, but not a one from B'game. There were two from Hillsborough, but overall that fits with my perspective--this was a problem years ago, but no longer.
I suppose one grand jury idea is OK:
The piece goes on to say that new Supe Dave Pine will be attending more Roundtable meetings, but progress has been substantial over the last 5 years and all of these worries should be focussed on how LOUD a 120 mph train would be rolling through the Peninsula!
Pretty noisy tonight--who do I call to complain?
Posted by: Hillsider | July 25, 2011 at 11:22 PM
Councilman Deal for airport noise and Assemblyman Hill for the freight train that comes along Tuesday nights and blasts the horn non-stop all along the Peninsula.
Posted by: Boogeyman | July 27, 2011 at 06:57 AM
Councilman Brownrigg sits on the Airports Commission Round Table; Councilman Deal is a Caltrain Director. Hopefully Assemblyman Hill is listening to our High Speed Rail concerns and will act on them in the Legislature.
Posted by: pat giorni | July 27, 2011 at 06:46 PM
Actually, there is a very easy way to complain about SFO airport noise.
Here it is:
Noise Complaint Hotline – (650) 821-4736
Toll Free Noise Complaint Hotline – (877) 206-8290
Noise Complaint Email – [email protected]
Airport Roundtable Office Direct Line: (650) 692-6465
Posted by: Russ | July 28, 2011 at 03:29 PM