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June 23, 2011



I am looking forward to learn of your position, regarding the "City of Burlingame, CA." management plan of funding- Police and Fire Dept retirement?


Ricardo should not just assume Nagel is running. The whole town now knows that she is in this for her self aggrandizement. She actually thought that the whole county would buy into her nonsense about community involvement and constant dithering about what to do and who to do it with. Hopefully burlingame has woken up to her and will vote for people who care about the voters--not Nagel.


Candidate announces for Burlingame City Council
June 24, 2011, 02:51 AM Daily Journal Staff report

Are you thinking about the November election?

Well, people in Burlingame are. Banker Ricardo Ortiz announced his intention to run for City Council during the Nov. 8 election via an email sent out June 22. He’s the first challenger to enter the race.

Vice Mayor Jerry Deal and Councilwoman Terry Nagel are both up for re-election. Deal has yet to officially announce but plans to run. Nagel, on the other hand, is still deciding if she’ll pursue another term.

Ortiz, 48, is a 17-year Burlingame resident who is married with three kids. A banker by trade, Ortiz pointed to working with former mayor Rosalie O’Mahony. He helped with her campaign and noted that O’Mahony brought fiscal responsibility and a clear understanding of finances, which Ortiz believes he can duplicate. In addition, Ortiz would like to see long-term planning in all aspects from finances to reforestation. Ortiz has hit the ground running by starting to collect endorsements already.

Ortiz is the first challenger to enter the race.

Deal joined the council in 2007 in a close race. On election night, an 84-vote gap remained between Deal and incumbent Russ Cohen. Ultimately Deal, a local business owner, won.

Nagel is in her second term on the council. She is the mother of three grown children who has spent the last 10 years working in the nonprofit sector. Nagel said she would make her decision about running in the coming weeks.


And finally Nagel gets somebody to remove most of her obnoxious 'Nagel for Supervisor' signs that were left for weeks on end, all over the county. Guess she is readying the countryside for Nagel for Council signs. She is ridiculous in so many ways.


Bummer. I hear Nagel is really going to run again. I was hoping she would skulk off into the sunset after she got spanked in the supervisor race. Why us. I hear Arizona is a nice place to retire.

Local Motion



Folks...I missed getting my copy of the Daily Post yesterday, but I heard that it had an article stating that Andrew Peceimer picked up papers to run for a City Council seat. Did anyone see that article? Was there addition information?


This article in the Daily Journal

http://www.smdailyjournal.com/article_preview.php?id=165124&title=Campaign season nearly under way

would appear to suggest that Andrew Peceimer did not file the papers to run. That needs to be confirmed.

Harley Sampson

Anyone who saw the disgraceful display by Terry (CEC) Nagel last night on the Leaf Blower ban should be thrilled that Ricardo Ortiz is running against her. The only way for any sensible voter to act is to vote for Deal and Ortiz together.

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