For the curious among you, here is the announcement and link from the Police on their day-to-day activities.
The Burlingame Police Department has recently launched a daily patrol activity log on the City’s website that is available to the public. The purpose of the daily log is to provide information about calls and other significant incidents occurring in the City of Burlingame. The daily log can be found on the City of Burlingame’s web site under the police department tab.
I like it better than reading the newspapers' summaries, but I would suggest it be listed in reverse chronological order so the newest stuff is on top rather than at the bottom. Free web design advice from the Voice!
This may turn out to be the best/worst public information web site ever.
I am referring to the employee's of the Burlingame Police Dept.
Budget cuts, as well as the last few months of police reports I have reviewed-via local newspapers; Burlingame may consider replacing their "Police Force" with crossing guards, and parking meter personnel.
Posted by: Larry David | May 10, 2011 at 04:23 PM
What does "passing check" mean?
Posted by: Hillsider | May 11, 2011 at 04:13 PM
Someone calls the police, asking them to go by and check on someone's health and welfare.
Posted by: Boogeyman | May 11, 2011 at 05:07 PM