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October 04, 2010



Remember J J's Smoke Shop on Broadway and the flap that caused in town? Now it's J J's on steroids with WeedMart.

The marketing professionals seem to know where the kids are who have the money and lack of parental restraint needed to pursue their interest in booze and drugs.

First Bev Mo' and now Dope Mo'.

Next will be the card rooms.

What happens in Burlingame stays in Burlingame. These attributes will contribute to the colorful nature of the citizenry of our town, and contribute to the continuing decline of our town's attractiveness to families.

Another hit to the local real estate market and schools.


Weed is something that will eventually become/is mainstream.
There may even become a strain called, "Bud Lite."
For people who do not want to get "the munchies."
Marijuana is no worse than alcohol.
Marijuana is no worse than perscription drugs.
Marijuna is not worse than Gambling.
Prohibition was a black eye to the laws of this country because nobody cared about enforcement.
The same goes for illegal immigration.
Nobody cares about enforcement.
So in the big picture, a Marijuna Store in Burlingame is really not a big deal.
Lets all be smart about this issue as well as fiscally aware of the beneifits that come with any new business that brings news, attention,and people to Our Fair City.
Calm down everybody.

Mr. Slate

I agree with most of what you say Holly but I still don't want to make pot more accessible to our teens. It IS a big deal to many parents in Burlingame and surrounding cities. Not sure what we can do about it but we should certainly discourage it. Those are some sales tax revenues we can live without.

No Amstergame? Burlindam?

Mr. Slate

As to illegal immigartion:

Meg Whitman's case showed this issue for what it really is. Everyone is complicit but then pretend to be outraged. I have a friend who has some strong ideas about immigration. Recently he told me how he hired a day laborer to dig a trench in his house. Many people patronize businesses that appear to have undocumented workers. Everybody understands that businesses accept poor forgeries of documents to allow illegals to work. The issue has become so politicized that we can no longer have a reasonable discussion about what is best; what is humane; what is reasonable.

I heard a story about the hundreds of bodies recovered in the Arizona desert and wondered what would drive so many to risk their lives. Then my thought drifted to the Mayflower, the wagon trains, the boat-loads at Ellis Island and the potato famine; to the many waves before who have risked their lives to look for a better future. We celebrate their accomplishments while people die in the desert.

The current system has created a second class citiznery that is not governed by the same rules and regulations we have for our citizens yet there are over 10 million. Threat of deportation causes these workers to accept abuse, poor working conditions and pay that is well below minimums.

When such a large portion of a population has been singled out for disparate treatment in other parts of the world we have been outrgaged. In our back yard, we encourage it. Immigration reform is above all a human rights issue.


You must not be following the Meg Whitman thing very much. She used an employment agency who was lied to on paper by the nanny on many forms. The government letter explicitly said don't fire people because of this letter baecause we make mistakes. When the lie was admitted to her in person then she took action. If everyone did just this, we wouldn't have the problems we have.

Mr. Slate

Could it be? She has people who scan blogs in order to respond to any issues? Do you work for or are associated in any way to the Whitman campaign?

Two issues I have with Whitman:

1. She does not take a position on Immigration reform. She only calls for more fences, national guard, etc. How does she plan to handle the 3 million that live and work in Califoria already. This scapegoating adds fire to an already hot item.

2. She did as many employers do when they receive these letters from the SS Administration: they delay taking action and allow the employees to provide them with a whole new set of forged documents that restart the clock.

But worst of all, she denied it only to have to backtrack when the actual letter surfaced with her husband's handwriting on it. Credibility gap!!!

I was actually leaning towards her until last week. Now I guess I'll vote Independent, Green or Libertarian.


You should definitely vote Green because that is what you have been smokin'.


how did this even make it to this point? the city should have closed the door on this as soon as the idea was announced. there should not be another minute spent on this issue, just say no.

Jacob Bailey

To all you people worried about accessibility to your kids what do you think any 15 year old can't walk down the street or even go to school now and get them, come let's get real and stop blaming and start parenting I have three children and would much rather live next to a cannabis user than a drunk or a pill popping physician approved drug attic.you people make me sick!


drug "attic"...really. how are your kids doing in English class?

Jacob Bailey

Better than yours you waste of life!

Jacob Bailey

Hillsider, your the type of person nobody would want to have kids with so you probably don't have that joy you piece of shit I hope your mother dies on x-mas you waste of life loser

Jacob Bailey

And for your info hillslider I don't even live in your drug infested state and don't do any drugs,but if I had to live next to a pot user or a piece of trash like you that would be an easy choice.Don't make judgement on people you don't know your the one that lives their dumbass!

Jacob Bailey

Also my son is in 4th grade and is bored with English he knows half of the Spanish dictionary too if you must know you pendejo!
That's Spanish for idiot,he taught me that you low life let's talk about peoples kids what a bum!


So Jacob, did you just mention that you "don't even live in Hillsider's drug infested state?"

time for anger management class

I'm glad Jacob lives in another state.


Exactly my thought. His "kind" are not welcome here.


Elitism and name-calling, both real special. Time for a peace pipe.


But talking about peoples kids are ok?you people are soo much better than everyone else right? Peace pipe? Wtf


Anne,don't worry honey I would never bring my kids to your disgusting melting pot of a confused city!


It's funny how californians have nothing better to do than waste time with an out of state person who doesn't even matter but yet your state has people living in tents!why don't you find something better to do with your time you miserable people


Elitism is "you people are soo much better than everyone else right?". I agree they hurled the first shot (and a few more). The peace pipe thing was a joke because the thread is "weedmart".

And I was going to put you up in our tent when you visited. :(


Sorry Fred I'm not a hateful person normally just don't take too well when kids are involved.and would be honored to stay in your tent rather than with people like Hillsider or Anne.My apology


No harm, no foul! They don't mean any harm either. We get grumpy from the eucalyptus pollen sometimes. (just kidding hillsider)


Go Giants!

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