The Mercury Times' Carol Livengood is reporting on the Citizen of the Year--Dan Anderson
The Burlingame Lions Club honored Dan Andersen, one of its past presidents and very active members, as "Citizen of the Year 2010" at the annual Burlingame Lions, Rotary and Soroptimist Joint Services Luncheon. Established in 1930, the award is given to individuals who have made a difference within the community by contributing their time and effort for the betterment of the city.
For more than 20 years, Andersen has been active in efforts to improve the Burlingame community, help protect neighborhoods, and help those in need. A Lion since 2003, Andersen is currently District 4-C4 zone chairman, and will became the Peninsula Council of Lions secretary July 1.
Andersen founded the "Don't Zap Us" program that defeated Pacific Gas & Electric's plan to place power lines down the middle of Trousdale Drive, one of the city's main thoroughfares. He also conducted forums on "How to Make Burlingame Even Better," emphasizing smart growth and transit-oriented living.
Congrats Dan! Keep up the good work.