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June 29, 2010



And here is another expert weighing in on the environmental aspect:

Referring to a research report on proposed high-speed rail lines between Los Angeles and San Francisco, Cox went on to note that “our work in California suggests that the cost per ton of greenhouse gas emissions removed by high-speed rail would be on the order of $1,800. The [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] says we ought not to spend more than $50 per ton.”

Cox points out a shocking statistic from a University of California study, which “suggests that the California high-speed rail system would take 71 years to pay back the greenhouse gas emissions that are used in construction. It really is not the environmental winner that a lot of people say that it is.”



HCR Installation 21:


Executive Summary
"We have reviewed the key components of the California High Speed Rail Ridership Studies. The primary contractor for these studies, Cambridge Systematics (CS), has
followed generally accepted professional standards in carrying out the demand modeling and analysis. Nevertheless we have found some significant problems that render the key demand forecasting models unreliable for policy analysis. This Executive Summary describes the most serious problems. The body of this report elaborates on these problems and describes additional concerns we have.“

No doubt lots of spinning will come out of this one- particularly because nobody is paying enough attention.

How much more will be our cities be burdened with HSR related work without any compensation? Who in the legislature will finally pull the plug? It can't be too soon.

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