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August 28, 2009



This comment from elsewhere is being repeated on this thread where it is most applicable to its topic.

Daily Journal today:

Hola’s closed for serving minors
September 01, 2009, 10:01 PM Daily Journal Staff Report

Those thirsting for margaritas in Burlingame will have to go somewhere other than Hola’s Mexican Restaurant and Cantina — at least until Sept. 16.

The restaurant at 1448 Burlingame Ave. was served a 20-day closure as punishment for three instances of serving a minor alcohol over the past year, explained John Carr, public information officer for the California department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. It closed Aug. 27 and will remain closed through Sept. 15.

Hola’s has had three incidents of selling alcohol to a minor decoy, someone working with law enforcement, over the past year.

The first instance occurred Aug. 22, 2008, for which the restaurant paid a $3,000 fine. Alcohol was served to a minor for a second time on Nov. 26, 2008, an act that came with a $20,000 fine that has since been paid. Lastly, alcohol was served to a minor in February, according to the ABC.

State law allows the license to be revoked in instances in which a restaurant serves alcohol to a minor decoy three times over a three-year period, Carr explained. The 20-day suspension is the punishment for the third case.


And here is the opening part of the follow up Daily Journal article referenced elsewhere:

Police cracking down on underage drinking
September 02, 2009, 09:47 PM By Heather Murtagh

Three citations to one restaurant for serving alcohol to a minor is not indicative of a larger problem of underage drinking in Burlingame, rather the result of police efforts to curtail such issues, Cmdr. Mike Matteucci said yesterday.

Hola’s Mexican Restaurant and Cantina, at 1448 Burlingame Ave., closed late last month for 20 days, punishment for three instances of serving a minor alcohol over the past year, explained John Carr, public information officer for the California department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. All three instances were part of a decoy sting operation funded through grant money and operated in partnership with the Burlingame Police Department. The grant money allows Burlingame to lessen opportunities for youth to get alcohol.

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