From today's San Mateo County Times on the tragic accident at Mollie Stone's awhile back:
Prosecutors have decided not to file charges against the attorney who drove his car into a small group of Girl Scouts and their parents standing in front of a Burlingame supermarket in March.
The decision came after an investigation revealed that Paul Glad, 59, of San Mateo, wasn't driving under the influence of drugs at the time, San Mateo County Deputy District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe said.
It appears instead that Glad mistakenly stepped on the gas pedal while trying to stop his car in front of a Mollie Stone's supermarket at 1477 Chapin Ave., Wagstaffe said.
Glad still faces a lawsuit filed by the victims' family.
"We couldn't prove that (intoxication) was what caused him to lose control of the vehicle," Wagstaffe said.
Glad told police that he had taken the painkiller OxyContin earlier on the day of the crash. But the amount of the drug in Glad's blood was not enough to impair his driving, investigators found. Human error seems the more likely culprit, authorities said.
Glad pulled into a handicapped parking spot in front of the Girl Scouts and was getting out of his car when he realized it was still in gear, according to court documents. While attempting to stop the car, Rogers slammed on the gas pedal instead of the brake.
"It has all the hallmarks of a tragic accident," Deputy District Attorney Sean Gallagher said.
I think the whole community is hoping and praying for the best for mother and daughter. Here's where it happened, but the photo was taken on a different day.
Although, one cannot dispute this was a tragic accident if one takes Oxycontin prior to driving one should be responsible.
Unfortunately, in this case, Paul Glad, the defendant in the civil suit filed a response stating he is not responsible at all for what happened to the mother and child as well as all five of the people Mr. Glad ran over.
In fact, he said he hopes they receive nothing in court papers he filed and called them (victims) careless and negligent.
I wish the reporters who had interviewed Mr. Glad for the article would have done a little homework and asked him if he isn't responsible then who is?
As you can see from the photo it could have been any shopper exiting the store who was run down by an attorney while driving under the influence of Oxycontin.
I have to wonder how many times exceptions are made by the DDA when someone is an attorney or doctor.
There is a great blog called ABOVE THE LAW, Mr. Glad won lawyer of the day!
I would certainly stay out of his way if I saw him on the road, doubtful I would want an un remorseful attorney who dabbles in taking Oxycontin acting on my behalf either.
What ever happened to taking responsibility for what you have done?
Call me to be on this jury and the victims would receive the biggest settlement allowed by law.
Posted by: BeenAround | August 29, 2009 at 12:29 PM