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August 20, 2009



Although, one cannot dispute this was a tragic accident if one takes Oxycontin prior to driving one should be responsible.

Unfortunately, in this case, Paul Glad, the defendant in the civil suit filed a response stating he is not responsible at all for what happened to the mother and child as well as all five of the people Mr. Glad ran over.

In fact, he said he hopes they receive nothing in court papers he filed and called them (victims) careless and negligent.

I wish the reporters who had interviewed Mr. Glad for the article would have done a little homework and asked him if he isn't responsible then who is?

As you can see from the photo it could have been any shopper exiting the store who was run down by an attorney while driving under the influence of Oxycontin.

I have to wonder how many times exceptions are made by the DDA when someone is an attorney or doctor.

There is a great blog called ABOVE THE LAW, Mr. Glad won lawyer of the day!

I would certainly stay out of his way if I saw him on the road, doubtful I would want an un remorseful attorney who dabbles in taking Oxycontin acting on my behalf either.

What ever happened to taking responsibility for what you have done?

Call me to be on this jury and the victims would receive the biggest settlement allowed by law.

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