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July 21, 2009


Holy Roller

That would look horrible!
I am sure that the many, many empty spaces on Burlingame Ave, and Howard are available. Due to the shortsighted property owners greed.
That is not the type of downtown Burlingame that draws people.
If Bev Mo (why would we even want a place that encorages ghetto phrases) can move in, why not a Wal-Mart?
Forget Safeway, lets put in a water slide park!

Holier than thou?

That's a great idea! Anything that annoys those who use the term "ghetto phrases" is a good thing in my book.

Just because of you, Holy, I'm going to call the city council and tell them how much my family supports the Bev Mo project.

(Think of that when you're strolling the isles scoping out a nice box of Rosé.)

Holy Moley

Holy roller, you should not russle those feathers of Holier than thous!

Holy Cow

BevMooo has no place on The Avenue.

Holy Roller

Do not be silly. Rose' is for people with out a finely developed palate.
We only drink White Zinfadel in the box. Sometimes we put ice cubes in too.


The notice of application for a license to sell alcohol submitted by BevMo! was posted on this property today. One less empty storefront.

Holy Roller

Bring on the Cold Duck!
I bet I could purchase that by the Keg.


Oh you can go to Burger Joint...they have an app in the window as well to sell. Must be good money in it...maybe it helps their business, which seems a bit slow.

Holy Roller

Being a long time Burlingame resident it is always interesting to see new business' come in.
I bet lots of us see a new resteraunt/boutique open and say to ourselves,"six months, tops."
It happens all the time..
What are these people thinking?
Lets start making "Gentlemen bets", who is the first to close.
Burlingame Ave.
1. Kabul
2. That new coffe shop that nobody knows the name of, next to Wells Fargo.
3.The Mescal, California Dr.
4. Ace Hardware, Primrose.
5. BlockBuster, Primrose.

On Broadway, everything is BOOMING.
Ill Piccolo. Expanding and that guy who owns it! Dave has put his heart and soul into the place since it opened.
Broadway Grill..
Same story.
Wiemax is by far and above the best Wine store on the Penninsula.
Every single person who works there is the defination of customer service, and education. The selection of wines, champagne, and liquor, is enormous.
However, Broadway has its "Death Row."
1.Sahara Pizza
2.Vietnamze Resteraunt(next door)
3.What is with the three breakfast places, all next to each other in that wierd complex next to AVR?
I believe that Broadway Ave brings a much better contribution to the core of what the City of Burlingame is, was, and what could be.
The trees, landscape, and sidewalks,are "Main Street USA".

But Burlingame Ave is not!
Dead trees, no landscape, Burlingame Ave.(the pavement) full of pot holes, sidewalks uplifted, and a lot of empty, and soon to be empty store fronts.
There are bright spots..
Apple, CrepeVine, Peets, and Books Inc.
Since they are all HUGE Corparations, they might be asked to look around and see what "THEY ARE NOT CONTRIBUTING TO THEIR COMMUNITY." Instead of only taking.
Ask your city elders what they are doing..or not, to get these people to relate to the community they do business in.
City Elders are elected to manage, and forsee community, in the long term.
Car dealerships are empty;probably never coming back to anyone reading this, in our lifetime.
Please think about these issues when you vote for your next City Elder.

Coach Outlet Factory

So I love Hertz... I'm just getting started in #1 Club but shouldn't take long :-)

Would be great to see some special features and or privs for TripIt members.

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