The Daily Journal is reporting that the B'game Trolley will continue in service with some reduced hours and perhaps a loss of Sunday service (the day with the least use). Participation by the Marriott has been an issue, but they appear to be back on board, so to speak. From the Journal
Burlingame officials began discussing cutting the $110,000 contribution to the trolley earlier this year as one of many budget reductions. Recently, businesses came together in an effort to keep the free service running, at least from July through December — a six-month period in which the service will be funded without the city contribution.
“The last thing we want to do in economic slowdown is reduce our marketability either of our hotels or of our local merchants,” said Ross Bruce, president of the Broadway Business Improvement District.
A meeting of interested parties was held in April including the local hotels, business leaders from both Broadway and Burlingame Avenue shopping areas, the city and chamber. As a result, the Marriott ended up rejoining the effort after pulling out in January.
Currently, the trolley runs 363 days per year. In the last quarter, the trolley transported 8,759 riders, or a daily average of 97. Numbers are calculated by single rides, not round trip. There were 45,644 riders over the past year, a 126 daily average. Sunday had the lowest rider percentage at 10. Other days range from 14 percent to 16 percent.
It's possible that 126 riders on an average day might mean 63 people using the trolley to get to and from their destinations although I have helped a couple of grandparents figure out where to catch it with their grandkids just to cruise around town. We will keep an eye out for the new schedule.
Has there ever been a study done to find the benefit "The Trolly" brought to the City of Burlingame?
If there was/is where can I view that information?
If not, why did our City Elders-Baylock, O'Mahoney, Nagel, continue to fund it?
How did the City Manager sign off on this?
Posted by: Holy Roller | June 02, 2009 at 08:25 PM
Does anyone know if City Elders review the comments posted on this site?
Or should we send written letters that I believe is the worst, out of touch, group of politicians every put together.
Every elder has to answers to a SMALL number of constisutes, They are the most vocal, and convince the Elders.
Posted by: Holy Roller | June 03, 2009 at 04:59 PM