- Written by Fiona
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In times of hardships that our country is going through, it is very inspiring for the City of Burlingame to look toward the future.
I hope there is a large turnout.
It will help anyone that particpates have an impact on the direction our community goes in and where it will "land."
It would be really great to have the students of Burlingame HS have a presence; they are our future.
Posted by: holy roller | March 03, 2009 at 01:57 AM
As of today no one, or group,(schools,Lions,Rotory,or any of the other names you see on the entrance board-entering Burlingame) have commited to planting trees on Arbor Day at Bayside Park.
This is a reflection on the commitment we all should have.
Trees are what make these City homeowners stand in line to get their kids in pre-school, Franklin, Washington, and Burlingame HS.
The City of Burlingame has done a really POOR JOB of letting us know about this date, and the relavance of the uimpact to the FUTURE of our City.
Posted by: holy roller | March 06, 2009 at 03:51 AM
HR, when my kids were elementary school I thought the kids were involved in Arbor Day celebrations - writing poems, shovelling in the dirt, etc.
Perhaps this was another "tree" celebration I am thinking of?
Posted by: | March 07, 2009 at 02:29 AM
Well you know what?
The City of Burlingame has done very little/NOTHING to promote this very special event.
The planting of 17-20 trees any where on this planet is incredibly important.
It is never just a "celebration", it is what helps us live...
Look forward to the publishing of the names and salaries of the people who manage/mismanage the taxes the City of Burlingame.
How could we possibliy trust our city elders to responsibly use the money that is being requested for the flood improvment proposal, IF THEY CAN NOT EVEN GET THE COMMUNITY BEHIND A TREE PLANTING?
Posted by: holy roller | March 07, 2009 at 04:59 AM
Plant material, labor(OVERTIME),and equipment will be well above $10,000.00.
In a City this size there are powerful special intersest groups that have an impact.
For example..
Next time you walk through Washington Park, take a look at the private batting cage.(PUBLIC PROPERTY)
Next to the baseball field.
Posted by: holy roller | March 07, 2009 at 05:11 AM
HR, how does the batting cage work?
Can't anyone use it? And it is fair to everyone?
If I wanted to use it couldn't I just get a key (if one is needed) from the Rec Center?
Posted by: | March 07, 2009 at 01:37 PM
It was a great turnout for the Arborday/ tree planting.
All the City Elders were there, and all of them really planted a tree.
It was great!
I think 17 trees were planted.
Great comments were shared with those present. The structure and maintenance of the urban forest in Burlingame is paramount to community, and property value.
Thank you everyone!
Posted by: holy roller | March 08, 2009 at 01:37 AM
A request for a "moment of silence" for Tom the Tree happened.
Burlingame is going back to Pagan ways.
Posted by: holy roller | March 08, 2009 at 01:40 AM
HR - are you kidding?
No this is Burlingame - so probably not!
Posted by: | March 08, 2009 at 03:04 PM
Wow, HR, you are amazing! Complaining that no one will show up to an event that hasn't even happened yet and then going on about how many people were there AFTER the event. The City advertised it in the enews which goes to many households. Fiona, the City use to involve the schools and it was done on a weekday so that the kids could be there. This year, the schools showed no interest in the arbor day event as they did in the past. So, they decided to switch it to Saturday. The batting cage is owned by the CITY, not a private group as again, you know NOTHING about what you speak!!!!!!!!! Again, spreading lies, lies and more lies!!!!!!
Posted by: Elizabeth | March 09, 2009 at 02:11 PM
Elizabeth, HR specifically said that the Batting cage was PUBLIC PROPERTY (see capitals for extra emphasis) and that was his point. In the past I too have heard some rumblings about the misuse of the batting cage use.
It is good to know that ANYONE (see capitals for extra emphasis) in Burlingame has the opportunity to use such a wonderful PUBLIC PROPERTY as the batting cage.
Posted by: | March 09, 2009 at 02:31 PM
Dear Elizabeth,
Could you please let me/us know how to use this facility?
It is always locked, and used by only a few people.(With Keys)
On the other hand, the playground at Washington Park,(100 feet away) has no lock, and anyone can use it.
The baseball fields are open to anyone, as well as the Tennis Courts, and the back of Washington Park, for "off the leash" dog walking.
As far as you know, how do the people of Burlingame get access to this facility?
You MUST know.
Please enlighten me.
Posted by: holy roller | March 11, 2009 at 03:10 AM
Arbor day was wonderful - a great turn our with kids as well as 'elders' - the city staff was there to help and we had a great tree planting lesson - My kids really enjoyed this and we look forward to watching the trees grow!
HR-too bad you were so negative before the event - and too bad this thread has changed from celebrating the trees to how does the batting cage work! Call the recreation center and ask one of the nice employees there - I bet they will have the answer...
Thanks again to the staff that was there on Arbor Day to help guide us through the proper planting of 17 trees!!
Posted by: SusyB | March 11, 2009 at 11:56 PM
Sorry for some of the typo's - I hit send too quickly!
'it was a great turn out with our kids as well as wit the elders'...
Posted by: SusyB | March 11, 2009 at 11:57 PM
I have contacted the Park Dept.
They refer me to the School District.
Because(Park Depatment) "we do not know"
So where do I go from here?
I really do not to let this issue drop. Lots of children could benefit from this training facility.
Posted by: holy roller | March 12, 2009 at 02:10 AM
HR, thank you for pursuing this issue. It seems to have hit a nerve - or the equivalent batting cage analogy - as to how to use this public facility.
It seems that getting the key from the Rec. Center would be easy for anyone wanting to use this Burlingame gem and it seems odd that it isn't that convenient!?
Posted by: | March 12, 2009 at 03:55 AM
I believe the only way to get an answer is to go to a City of Burlingame Council meeting.
Someone needs to ask..
1. Is that batting cage public or private?
2.Depending on the answer,
How was it paid for?
How is it maintained?
What type of equipment is available?
How do people get access to use the facility?
I bet this would be a very juicey story for the local papers.
Posted by: holy roller | March 13, 2009 at 02:36 AM
The batting cage was built about 10 years ago buy the Burlingame Youth Baseball Association (BYBA, See our website) with help from members of our community. The cage is maintained and operated by the BYBA. It is open to all our BYBA players and other youth groups authorized by our Rec. Dept. So, if your kids want to use it, all they have to do is sign up to play.
It's always locked, because it can be a dangerous facility if not used correctly. Safety is a high priorty, and proper insurance is required by the City.
It's an outstanding facility, cost the City NOTHING, and our KIDS use it hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours a year. Just as we hoped they would.
The great thing about our City, is that when like minded people want to make a difference, we can do it. Actions speaks louder than words. We live in a great City.
Posted by: hank | March 20, 2009 at 05:24 PM
Thanks Hank for explaining the batting cage.. Did not think Holy Roller deserved an answer as his negativity is disgusting!!!!! Yeah, real juicy story here eh? NOT, just good citizens trying to better the city and get facilities for kids that they wouldn't of gotten if not for your organization, BYBA. thanks for all the great work you do with your organization..
Posted by: Elizabeth | March 20, 2009 at 07:04 PM
Hank, maybe it is time to educate the Parks Rec. people so they know how to answer any legitimate questions (like Holy Rollers). This would clear up the kinds of legitimate concerns that Holy Roller had and Elizabeth's comment above - "The batting cage is owned by the CITY, not a private group". Information and transparency is good, right?
My question still is - can anyone use it other than "our BYBA players and other youth groups authorized by our Rec. Dept." - as in ... can Nick, Cinderella, Mary or Joey Blow ask for the key because he/she and their Dad or Mum would like to use it for 30 minutes on a Saturday afternoon (adult supervision and a waiver included that they will play safely) or do they have to be part of a group?
Posted by: | March 21, 2009 at 01:35 AM
Everything hank says is true, but....it is truely operated as a private club. even when my kid played BYBA, it was the "hot coaches in the know" that got the keys, and there was always a tug of war for equeal time. No, mom, dad, and joey blowy can not go to the Rec Center and play. You're right fiona, educate the Rec Center....though I think they know, but are sworn to a secret code of silence. HR knows what's going on. It exclusive, inot inclusive.
It can be dangerous though, and supervision is necessary, it is not like the playground. So, why not have a public, non BYBA time period?
Posted by: johny | March 21, 2009 at 02:25 PM
Lets ask Elizabeth.
Posted by: holy roller | March 21, 2009 at 10:17 PM
The cage is not open to the public. Sorry Fiona, not every Dad, or Mum, may use the cage with their child, and for good reason. The cage is a very dangerous facility, and a waiver, or promise, is not enough to protect the City. Every coach that uses the cage must go though a safety session, and every group that is authorized to use it must have very specific insurance.
Johny is off the mark too. Every BYBA coach that wants time in the cage gets it. Every one. They choose cage times when they choose their practice times. Do they fight over the times? Yes they do. Do they all get equal time? Yes they do. Can a coach get extra time if they want it? Yes they can. All they have to do is make a phone call, and the good coaches do. Maybe that's what makes them the "hot coaches in the know".
Posted by: hank | March 24, 2009 at 01:00 AM
Thank you Hank for clearing this up - I think we get the picture that it is not available to all our students, which was the original point of discussion!
Posted by: | March 24, 2009 at 03:50 AM
And now that we have (the facts) information regarding the use of City of Burlingames batting cage, in Washington Park. Paid for with public tax, maintained by public tax, and used only by special interest groups, how is this facility considered PUBLIC.
How do the Girls softball,group attain access to this Private Club for MEN?
At this point, because it seems so wrong that this apparatus was placed on City of Burlingames Public Property, with NO access, except to the "Special Interest Group Inc".
I would like the City Attorney to look into this and explain to The City of Burlingame, why it happened.
PS "Liz",
Do you still think there is no story behind this?
I will be forwarding this to the local news services.
Posted by: holy roller | March 25, 2009 at 03:28 AM