Burlingame will enjoy a cut-free year, but city officials urge caution when considering tackling new projects and the prioritization of the $10 million and growing in capital improvement needs. A special study session will be held to discuss next year's budget and possible new projects the city could begin. The suggestions are all based on goals previously set by the City Council, such as a reforestation plan for Easton Drive and a business ambassador to help small businesses get started. Funding these hopes, however, is the biggest question for both staff and councilmembers.
Things have been looking up the past few years with revenue growth at 5 percent or more. Next year a similar increase is anticipated, however, most of the money is earmarked for increasing salary costs and addressing capital improvement needs. To add new projects would mean cuts in other areas, according to a report written by City Manager Jim Nantell.
Mayor Terry Nagel was surprised to learn how many needs have gone unfunded over the past five years. Since 2003, Burlingame has cut $4.8 million from the general fund. A balanced budget is now in place, but the city still isn't meeting the $4 million annual capital improvement needs, said Nantell. Only $2.3 million is budgeted toward these building needs. The city's budget was $73.7 million last year. A major need not being addressed is the storm drains, which requires a minimum of $2 million annual upkeep. Next year, $860,000 is currently budgeted for this need $1.2 million below the minimum because the city doesn't have the money to fully fund the need, said Nantell. Nantell's report notes that many department are coming in under budget. Nagel would like to know just how much money is left over from the frugal spending and the possibility of redirecting the money for unfunded needs. Each department made lists of unfunded items ranging from $42,000 in protective clothing for firefighters to $50,000 to renovate the picnic area in Washington Park or $150,000 to reinstate a lost police commander. Nantell compiled the seven-page department wish list to give council members a better picture of how additional funds could be used. We could use $80,000 to save Tom the tree or we could get more material for the library or all these other things,? he said. Nantell added it gives a full picture of the financial needs before the council decides to fund a project.
Additional projects outlined for the council's consideration include an $80,000 plan to realign Easton Drive west of Cabrillo Avenue that would save a large eucalyptus tree, creation of a master reforestation plan for Easton Drive, an increase in city resources to clean the city's two business districts and the creation of a business ambassador position to help facilitate small businesses moving through the planning and building departments.
Burlingame currently spends $97,300 annually to clean litter and power wash the sidewalks in the Broadway and Burlingame Avenue shopping areas. Staff is recommending adding a full-time maintenance position in charge of power washing, garbage clean up, community volunteer and business district coordination and permit and code enforcement coordination. The new position would cost $75,000 annually but would offset by the $74,000 in overtime and then unneeded contract costs. Setup would require a $30,000 one-time cost for a vehicle and steam cleaning equipment. Creating a business ambassador position would be a reputation builder for the city as small-business friendly, said Nantell. He doesn't anticipate the $50,000 project would generate any revenue.
City fees and fines are scheduled to increase about 3 percent to match the increase in operating costs, Nantell wrote in the report. A fee analysis will be done, however, potentially causing a higher increase than anticipated. Next year, $54,000 is currently being set aside to award to local nonprofits.
The council meets 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 28 in the Lane Room at the Burlingame Library, 480 Primrose Road.
Additional article in Burlingame Daily News
- Written by Fiona
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