Former Civil Grand Juror reminds county voters of the history of the BART-SFO debacle and why SamTrans is bleeding. From the San Mateo Daily Journal on Saturday.
Peninsula transit renegotiation is a must
Here we are again. The Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) is demanding payment of the San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans) to again cover the operating shortfall for the BART-SFO extension.
But this year BART is asking for $11.2 million; more than a million dollars over the previous year.
This was never supposed to happen. Taxpayers of San Mateo County were promised that there would be no operating losses to cover when our transit leaders signed the deal obligating us to support this system. We were supposed to get a bargain. But since this extension opened in 2003 it has been a catastrophic disaster.
The operating debt has forced us to dramatically cut bus service, raise bus and BART fares, and possibly shutter stations during weekends. In addition, we have been forced to allocate part of the half-cent sales tax, reauthorized by voters in 2004 as Measure A, to fund the operating losses of the extension. This funding source has always been designated for local transit needs in our cities.
As a member of the San Mateo County Civil Grand Jury in 1995, I know first hand that proponents of this failed experiment were warned that this concept was badly flawed, and that the lofty ridership projections that were developed in the early 1990s (not later) were pure fantasy. The Grand Jury said so then but was dismissed and vilified for daring to take on the so-called visionaries.
According to news accounts, SamTrans is currently facing a $24.7 million deficit which is increasing by the day. If the BART debt is not realistically addressed our bus system, the system that truly serves the working families in our communities, will be devastated. SamTrans must find a real solution and stop putting this issue off.
We must also hold accountable those who created this debacle. One of the main architects of this deal and one of the main critics of the San Mateo County Civil Grand Jury was former San Mateo County Supervisor Mike Nevin. Mr. Nevin is now running for the state Senate to replace Jackie Speier. It's time that taxpayers take Mr. Nevin to be accountable for his malfeasance. Enough is enough.
Tom Dempsey
Portola Valley
The letter writer is a former
- Written by politicalblunder
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