In Burlingame, the biggest winner was Councilwoman Rosalie O'Mahony, who despite a lack of support from other members of the City Council or the Citizens for a Better Burlingame, was able to firmly hold onto her seat and maintain her status as elder stateswoman on the relatively young council. The biggest loser was Gene Condon, who spent approximately $40,000 to get a mere 11.85 percent of the vote. Another winner was John Root, who was only 46 votes behind incumbent Cathy Baylock and decided to graciously concede rather than put the city through a contentious recount.
What's with the ROMMY and the CBB remark - first I ever heard that rubbish? I agree with the biggest Loser winner which goes to show that a candidate's character - past and present - counts despite spending oodles of money on glossies and mammoth green and orange signs. I totally agree with their choice of Mr. Root. Mr. Root was a "winner" because he almost beat an incumbent with a mere 27 votes because of his integrity, sheer hardwork, good teamwork and a clean campaign. A true winner!
FYI Daily Journal - check your voter numbers at
- Written by Fiona
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