The Cafe is open Mon-Fri. from 6am-3pm, and Saturday and Sunday from 8am-3pm. The phone, (which is not yet working 100%) is 685-8820. They hope it will be hooked up soon. They cater parties and get-togethers in their spacious back room and the menu looks positively delicious. Again good luck!
- Written by Jen
At the other end of Howard, in the downtown, it looks as if the art gallery near GrandView restaurant, is closing up shop.
I'd love to hear some suggestions to enliven Howard. The street has amazing potential, as we've seen with Sams. Maybe a restaurant aimed at teens, like a soda fountain, a place to hang out and meet friends after school, maybe to have young bands at night, and dancing....Certainly with so many kids out of school early, there's a potential crowd.
Posted by: | August 27, 2005 at 02:33 AM
A "Peets Junior" or a "Starbucks Junior". Perhaps they can take a leaf out of Gap's brilliant new campaign, instead of getting a free ITune for trying on a pair of jeans, the kids spend $3,00+ on a cup of coffee and get a free ITune!
How about it Starbucks or Peets?
Posted by: Jim | August 28, 2005 at 05:27 AM