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April 28, 2005


Patrick Jensen

Fiona, you've got my vote... Your continued blogging is an asset to the community and I believe perpetuates a healthy dialogue in Burlingame.

Further, it will be an incredibly valuable resource in the upcoming election...


You've got mine too! Archivist and Board member for the Burlingame Historical Society, tireless community volunteer, reporter for the Voice, etc. etc.


Add me to the growing list. Fiona you are a wonderful addition to Burlingame. We are lucky to have you.

Rich Grogan

Either Fiona or Stephen. They have been a mainstay, behind the scene, all for the good of Bulingame. When you are at any informative/educational meeting at least one of them is present.


Thank you very much for the kind words.

I am going to nomimate our newest councilmember who has elevated the status of Burlingame councilmember because of her hardwork, dedication and going over and beyond what we expect of our elected officials. She truly sees a problem and tries to fix it. I can trust her and trust her opinion and that counts mega millions to me!

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