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February 26, 2005



The California Drive permit was postponed because the PIP woman had a family emergency out of town. I wish her lots of luck at the next scheduled meeting.


Thanks Jennifer for the update.

Attendees at the last planning commission meeting felt that there was some stalling going on and if that was the case that would be unfair to her.


Just a simple question. If anyone can get a conditional permit to operate in that block of California. Why not change the zoning to include all businesses and remove the auto-only zoning? Since, obviously, there isn't auto-only on that block.

Wouldn't this all become a non-issue then?


Exactly ... that would be fair and equitable - but that is not always the case with our council, is it?

An important part is that other businesses have been able to get conditional permits - look at the businesses there now - but this time they are making it more difficult. Why could that possibly be - is it because the car man wants that property?

Thats a question a few councilmembers need to ask themselves in the quiet of the night - or when they are conversing with God!


Since there are auto agencies all over town, what's the problem with retail spilling over onto that block of California Drive?

I hope the Planning Commission will reject the proposal for a Check Cashing business in the Broadway area.

Nice bulletin board you have here.


Other businesses were issued conditional permits prior to Caltrains moving the station right behind that block of California Drive.

Couldn't the fact that Caltrains really wants all the parking behind that block (some now and all the rest in three years) be the reason a permit has not been issued?

I know I'm bringing up the 'parking issue' but I was just curious if it might be playing a big role in this problem.


No, I've heard Caltrain is reacting to the City Council majority's preference to allow Harvey continued use (cheap lease) on their (Caltrainls) own land. They cannot understand why this is happening, either. Don't blame them, they are stuck with this problem that was pushed on them, and caused them to try and create parking elsewhere. The residents, particularly those of us on the east side, will get an unattractive, sparsely landscaped station upgrade, rather than the nicer one with palms we were initially shown, as a result of accomodating 16 new parking spaces, all because of this "arrangement." But don't blame the train people for this one, they are doing the best they can, under these ridiculous circumstances.


And Vito, you are right about those businesses on California. Non-auto businesses have been there for years, also years before the permit process and zoning began. It is an obvious extension of the Burlingame Avenue area and, if made more accessible, could be just as vital and attractive as the rest of the downtown. The "vision" is simply lacking. At the very least, there should be a proper study of the area.


If a tenant throws a little tantrum in a public meeting and threatens legal action if the landlord does not give him everything he wants, sometimes the landlord caves in to the bully.

Everyone is shocked - not just Caltrains that other businesses, a transport agency, date palms and all have been reconfigured for the playground bully.

Thats how it works in Burlingame.


With a more enlightened council, a smart planning department and a downtown specific area plan, this part of California Drive will become an extension of downtown Burlingame.

Its a BGBO - a blinding glimpse of the bloody obvious!


Wouldn't Howard Avenue be the more likely extension of Burlingame Avenue? Why is the CBB so keen on kicking the car dealer off the block? Car dealers have been there for eight decades or more. Is it the fact that you don't want the dealership next to the new historical society?

The real BGBO is you are forcing one of the oldest and most successful (for the city) businesses out of town.


Again, Fred, who is forcing them out of the City. Nobody ever has said that. What I am hearing is that people would at least like the issue discussed openly, with all stake-holders. There are better, and probably equally good locations for dealers, at least in the long term, and no, this has zero to do with the Historical Society. Remember there used to be several Dairies on that street, too, way before the car dealers (hence the historic Dairy Advertisement). Do you still see dairies there? Everything evolves, and it doesn't evolve in a bubble. Howard, California, Chapin, they all are part of our downtown core, and should be studied as such.

Rich Grogan

Fred, you continue to say CBB wants to have the car dealers thrown off of California, or something to that effect, again, I ask would you please provide the facts supporting you position, so we can all learn.

From everything I have read and heard it is just the opposite! The position is other than car dealers should be allowed to move into that area, without a conditional use permit. Dozens of business have been allowed to open their doors without a conditional use permit, why is it an issue now. Could it have something to do with the close proximity to Harvey's property and the close relationship of Harvy and Galligan?


Make no mistake about it, the Citizens for a Better Burlingame are using Harvey as a political pawn. This is their 'hot potato' issue to get Galligan out of the council. The CBB is a small and very vocal minority. Their goal is complete control of Burlingame businesses and residences. This group of do-nothings wants the political power that normally comes from hard work and effort. Be careful of letting this serpent out of it's cage. Volz, Cohen, Pfaff, Hamilton what have you done to improve this city? Absolutely nothing.


Cinderella Story

Dear Shocked,
I do hope you have read the conditions of use for this forum. I hope the gentile readers of this blog do not respond in kind to this sort of posting. Cindy.


I should probably not dignify Shocked's blog with any logic but please, Shocked, email me and we will give you a list of what the Hamiltons do with their leisure time to improve this city. Let me know what you have done and we can compare notes!

I think a wave of paranoia is twisting itself from the mayor's gavel to other parts of our beautiful town.


Obviously Shocked is also Oblivious


Seems a bit harsh. Just reading these blogs Jennifer is very involved in the school system and Fiona wakes up at 4:30am (exactly why I'm unclear)to get the ball rolling on this site.

Myself, I just worry that stopping all growth will be bad for the city. (Pardon me while I tune my one string banjo) I'm quite sure we can find a middle ground where everyone can be happy. This town needs to smoke one giant peace pipe. Can't we all just get along?

What the heck can you write on this site to be censured? I mean c'mon, I heard plenty of nasty things said about certain people. What did this person say? Is a dead body involved?


Thanks, Fred, for the lovely, constructive comments. Yes, there is a common ground, and at least most of us know that!


In this instance, there was a statement that went beyond opinion to assert that a specific individual had a certain type of legal trouble. There was no supporting information for this supposedly factual statement provided by the blogger. Even if there had been such supporting information, we would expect it to be verifiable before allowing it to appear on the blog. We are pleased that these occurrences are so rare.


I wake up at 4:30 because my head is buzzing with the things I want to do for Burlingame!!

Fred, you bring your peace pipe and I'll bring mine!


Noone needs to use Harvey-the-Pawn Carman to destroy the mayor's credibility and get him off the council. Galligan is doing it himself - all by his lonesome!


I hope the planning commission votes AGAINST the check cashing business on Broadway...We need to be very careful of which direction Broadway goes...I want my children to be able to go down town freely for pizza and ice cream with out too many 'seedy' places to get by...

I wanted to voice my opinion to the planning commissioners...can you email them? I was unable to find any email addresses on the city web site...


The website is very poor. Terry Nagel has been trying to get the city to come up with funds to redesign it completely. Until then, (unless I missed something hidden on the site), you may need to get the e-mail addresses from the City clerk or the Operator who answers the phone. It is a pain, but it is also important that they get your feedback. You can also send a letter, or fax to the city, and address it to the Planning Commissioners. Then the clerk will see to it that each one receives a copy. ' hope that helps.

Rich Grogan

Make no mistake about it, the Citizens for a Better Burlingame are using Harvey as a political pawn. This is their 'hot potato' issue to get Galligan out of the council. The CBB is a small and very vocal minority. Their goal is complete control of Burlingame businesses and residences. This group of do-nothings wants the political power that normally comes from hard work and effort. Be careful of letting this serpent out of it's cage. Volz, Cohen, Pfaff, Hamilton what have you done to improve this city? Absolutely nothing.

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