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January 29, 2005



Why bother ... it is like talking to a brick wall.Can I join the IGBBGClub or is it an exclusive club!?


What a great idea but of course it does take a very strong person to stand up and answer questions. Maybe it could be couched as a press conference but residents could ask questions too. Doesn't even our President have to answer questions from the media and we get to listen to the answers?That would be fantastic!


I think that at times the council needs to go to the people. The people will not always go to the council. In my opinion, it is one of the best ways to find out what the constituency is thinking.If I were in their shoes I would go out of my way to hold public forums and town hall meetings. They are at no cost to the city, they are low tech and they are valuable.Mayor Galligan's response to the suggestion for the record was, " I am available by e-mail."


I have never had a response from this mayor. When I have phoned or emailed him and then later met him in public, he said it was his busy time.
I thought maybe he is too busy to be mayor.

rich grogan

"Da Mayor" has pubiclly stepped in it again. There are some individuals, that "Da Mayor" has blocked us from contacting him via email, he will not return telephone calls, and I personally do not care to use the fax, because there isn't a communication trail, which is absolutely necessary!!!!!!


What I do now is I copy my letter seven times - five to the council, one to the city manager and one to public record and then I hand deliver them to City Hall. This way no city employee has to take time photocopying for the council packets. Most importantly for me, the public record copy can go into public record for ALL to see.

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