If these trees are deemed for the chipper, our City should remember that there was a group of residents - young and old - who spent their Saturday morning listening to Caltrains explain why they were destroying the El Camino trees. They wanted to see "positive" reasons of disease and decay. Many residents had very interesting questions and, if there is a similar walkabout, perhaps the mayor and tree people will be asked the same questions.
- Written by Fiona
I love the trees too,but you have to look at the whole picture.
Posted by: Seamus | December 31, 2004 at 08:03 PM
To the best of my knowledge, there have been no accidents along Easton drive due to trees. So we must ask the question: Are the trees along Easton a hazard to drivers or are they slowing traffic in turn, promoting driver safety?
Posted by: Russ Cohen | January 01, 2005 at 08:04 PM
Ask Galligan - he knows about traffic studies, doesn't he?!
Posted by: Rosaline | January 01, 2005 at 08:17 PM
Some residents have been wondering why the 11 eucalyptus, removed last year, have not yet been replaced with new elms, (as decided upon by Caltrans, Burl. Park and Rec., and the Historical Society. The reason for the delay is that sidewalk/concrete repair work will be combined with plantings, in order to save Caltrans money. This will unfortunately delay planting, probably another six months, while the project is put out for bidding this month. Some of the same elm types are being considered for the official Burlingame street tree list. I would hope if the large eucs are destined to be removed, that the designated elm types, (for instance, the Ulmus Morton (Accolade) could be considered as replacement trees. These would, in time, create a beautiful Allee on Easton, and would not destroy the sidewalks or streets.
Posted by: Jenn | January 02, 2005 at 03:27 AM
I don't have a strong opinion on the trees, but to say that they act as speed bumps is not a good reason to keep them; that's not the purpose of the trees.
Posted by: JL | January 02, 2005 at 05:50 AM
As my very smart college student said, they are good for the environment.
Our new mayor - who has a new interest in our trees - should work hard to replace some of the trees that have already been destroyed. There are people like me who would be happy to "donate" a tree or two to auto row.
Posted by: Rosaline | January 02, 2005 at 09:46 AM
Perhaps instead of starting the Easton Dr. story with the trees, the City should start with the traffic situation. Is there a traffic or accident problem? Doesn't the City have numbers to prove or disprove such a claim? Where are those numbers for examination before it comes before the Council? Saying that one of them could fall on a passerby is roughly equivalent to saying one could get hit by a meteor or a disabled 767 from SFO. Can anyone recall one of these trees falling over? I sure looks like the trees simply aggravate Galligan as he drives up and down his street...and we know how easily that happens.
Posted by: al | January 03, 2005 at 06:29 AM