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December 31, 2004



I wouldn't call them "gentlemen"-what a terrible way to live your life.You have to feel sorry for people who live their life in that manner.


Wasn't Karp the developer responsible for tearing down the theatre on Burlingame Avenue? What does he know about show biz?????


Yes Karp was the developer responsible for tearing down the movie theatre.

If you talk to anyone who is a tenant of his, they probably would not want to think of it as "show biz"! One tenant was so shocked and angry at his rental increase, he upped and moved and found a much better location and a much prettier building for his business.

Having had a personal run in with Karp when I was interested in looking at the crime in the Karp-owned Burlingame Hotel, show biz it ain't!

Dewey Cheatham

Goodbye to the biggest blowhart on the Peninsula.His last column revealed to us all his toadies and cronies that had a pipeline to him all these years.I'm sure they will all show up to pay homage to him at his farewell dinner that the Sheraton is giving him.


Better make sure the bar is well stocked at THAT party......

john m.

Sounds more like a wake to me. Knowing that crowd, they better make sure they have the cheap liquor on hand.

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